• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Clearview candidates

In Candidates / Election 2014
Oct 20th, 2014

Township election page


Christopher Vanderkruys – 705-424-1268

Questionnaire answers: cl-vanderkruys

Email: info@christophervanderkruys.ca

Website:  www.christophervanderkruys.ca

Alicia Savage – 705-428-6986

Questionnaire answers: cl-savage 

Email: arsavage@rogers.com


Barry Burton – 705-466-2718

Questionnaire answers: cl-burton

Email: burtonmobile@bellnet.ca

Larry Culham – 705 970 1860

Email: larryculham@gmail.com

Questionnaire answers:  cl-culham

Ward 1

 Allan Bell705-445-8389

Email: allanwbell@gmail.com 

Doug Measures – 705-445-1937  (Incumbent)

Questionnaire answers: cl-measures

Email: doug@dougmeasures.com

Ward 2

Donna Baylis705-466-2523

Email: dbaylis@xplornet.ca 

Questionnaire answers:  cl-baylis

Kevin Elwood – 705-428-0501

Email: kelwood@clearviewnursery.com

 Ward 3

 John Broderick705-446-4836

Questionnaire answers: cl-broderick cl-broderick2 cl-broderick3

Email: johnbroderick@gmail.com

Robert Walker – 705-428-3335  (Incumbent)

Email: Sinbad_swash@hotmail.com

Ward 4

Shawn Davidson 705-428-6850  (Incumbent)

Email: shawn4clearview2014@gmail.com

Ward 5

Thom Paterson 705-466-6321  (Incumbent)

Questionnaire answers: cl-paterson

Email: thompaterson@rogers.com

Robert McArthur – 705-466-3831


Ward 6

 Connie Leishman – 705-428-5240

Questionnaire answers: cl-leishman

Email: leishmanpottery@sympatico.ca

Ward 7

Deborah Bronée – 705-424-1874  (Incumbent)

Email: dbronee@yahoo.ca 

Steven Cordick – 705-321-0339

Questionnaire answers:  cl-cordick

Email: sdcordick@live.ca

Robyn Gignac – 705-424-4818

Email: gignac@rogers.com 

Allan Howlett – 705-984-9331

Email: allan.howlett@hotmail.com


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