• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Save Brock Beachs update: The developer Beachwood Development is doing a new survey

In AWARE News Network
Apr 5th, 2024

Save Brocks Beach! NO to high density developments on Beachwood Road (Wasaga Beach)


Wasaga Beach, Canada

Apr 1, 2024

A few days ago, survey contractors were doing a survey along the “Betty Trail” (trail between Shore Lane and Betty Boulevard), and planting posts. They were also seen along the north/west corner of the Romanin development property.

I contacted the Town to know if the Town was doing or subcontracting this survey, or it could be Romanin or TCEnergy (as the lot on the other side of the trail belongs now to TC Energy), but they confirmed they were not aware of it, neither had any new application documents about the Romanin/Beachwood Development.

Therefore, it is clear that this survey was conducted for Romanin/Beachwood Development Inc, which means despite the fact that this project has been on hold since July 2021, when Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) did provide its comment (summarized below) on the development application:

All wetlands on the property are regulated by NVCA… In general, NVCA does not permit development within 30 meters of a wetland. Given the negative impact of that complete removal of wetlands would pose to inherent ecological and hydrologic functions, NVCA staff will not be in a position to support the residential development concept, as proposed.
From a natural heritage perspective, NVCA staff are not in a position to support the proposed development from a regulatory perspective… an alternative concept should be explored that does not include removal of the wetlands.
As per the vegetation community classification process undertaken through the EIS, portions of the wetlands area on the property are representative of provincial-rare coastal wetlands vegetation community types… and significant Wild Life Habitat… it is the opinion of NVCA staff that the proposed development is not consistent with Section 2.1.5 of the PPS or Section of the Town of Wasaga Beach Official Plan.
From a natural hazard perspective, development is currently proposed upon lands that are regulated for flooding and erosion hazards… a hazard study should be completed… the concept plan may need to be revised based on the conclusions of the hazard study.

Since then, the developer did not provide a new plan to the Town or NVCA, however if the developer is presently finding some additional survey, it probably means he is back on the project.

NVCA has lost a lot of authority when it comes to natural heritage features, due to new bills and policies voted by Doug Ford Ontario Government, based on the new evaluation points system implemented by this government, the wetlands may not be rated provincially significant enough (except the fact that NVCA confirmed they would be classified as Coastal Wetlands, But NVCA still has some authority on the flood and natural hazards.

In any case, it seems clear that the developer is working again on the project, so we will need to stay on alert.

Our petition “Save Brocks Beach”  has 2,619 supporters as of today, you are welcome to ask your family, friends and network to sign it.



I will keep you posted, meanwhile keep visiting our website https://www.savebeachwood.ca/


And our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/savebeachwood


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