No water, no life. Support water protection this World Water Day
Without Water, there is no life! World Water Day is tomorrow – we invite you to take action by supporting our mission to empower people and communities to work in solidarity towards water justice. Together, we can address the many water challenges facing communities across the province and create a Water Justice Future! Learn more, contribute and take action with our World Water Day Impact kit below. |
Water is the foundation of life and connects all beings, yet, across this province, many go without it. Commit to Water Justice and take the Water Pledge Here! |
Ontario waters are getting salty, we need your help to create change. Take action to create a path forward to stop the impacts of winter salt use on water at the provincial level. Take action to stop Slat Pollution Here. | |
We invite you to join us on a learning and unlearning journey over the next few months through our Watershed 4 event series: Towards Decolonizing & Water Justice. Register here.
Our governments are failing to provide a basic right to safe drinking water and are, instead, downloading the essential responsibilities of access to clean drinking water to charities and service providers. Learn more about this in our Blog post. Join Water Watchers Executive Director Arlene Slocombe for an enlightening and impactful book club focused on the new book “Unbottled: The Fight against Plastic Water and for Water Justice”. Learn, connect and act for water with us at the Unbottled Book Club here! |
Clean, drinkable water is a necessity of all life. For the Waters,
PS. You can find all these actions and more on our World Water Day Action Page here. |
Water Watchers · 42 Carden St, Guelph, ON N1H 3A2, Canada |
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