• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

No Nukes News: Ukraine Reactors

In Climate Change
Aug 8th, 2022
This image of a Russian serviceman guarding the plant was taken in May | Photo by ANDREY BORODULIN/AFP

The World

☢ UN nuclear chief: Ukraine nuclear plant is `out of control’ The U.N. nuclear chief warned that Europe’s largest nuclear power plant in Ukraine “is completely out of control”. More here from Greenpeace on the twin nuclear crises in Ukraine.

☢ Captured nuclear plant doubles as launch pad for relentless Russian rocket attacks The 6-reactor Zaporizhia plant in southern Ukraine, captured by the Russians, is now doubling as a launch pad for relentless Russian rocket attacks, knowing that Ukraine fighters can’t attack back for fear of hitting a reactor or waste facility.

☢ Investigation challenges nuclear agency on Chornobyl radiation levels Greenpeace Germany has found radiation levels to be at least three times higher than the IAEA reported. More here.

☢ Russia’s Nuclear Power Swagger Unruffled by War Since the invasion of Ukraine, Russia’s nuclear power giant has begun nuclear projects in Egypt, Hungary, and Turkey. And while Europe is expected to forgo Russia’s gas, the US imports 25% of its nuclear fuel from Russia.

☢ France to Curb Nuclear Output as Europe’s Energy Crisis Worsens Half of France’s nukes are currently shuttered due to safety and repairs, and now the remaining reactors are being curbed due to high river temperatures that are unable to cool the reactors.

☢ How nuclear got in the EU Taxonomy The decision to include nuclear and gas as “sustainable power” destroys the credibility of the EU Taxonomy since now ALL forms of power generation are labeled as sustainable.

☢ Fukushima plant’s noxious water to be pumped into the sea Japan’s nuclear regulators approved the release of 1.3 million tonnes of contaminated water (with radioactive tritium) into the ocean. For more on the Dangers of Tritium view this 18 min. video presentation by Dr. Ian Fairlie.

☢ SMNRs riddled with high costs, among other ‘unresolved problems’ The impossible promises of small modular nuclear reactors in Canada.

☢ Nuclear power: Status, prospects, and climate implications – By Amory B. Lovins Nuclear power is  suffering a global slow-motion commercial collapse due to intrinsically poor economics.

☢ We shouldn’t waste money studying small nuclear reactors SMRs represent a dangerous distraction from the changes needed to deal with global warming.

☢ Big Questions for Waste Disposal SMRs raise new questions over waste disposal, producing 5-35 times more waste than large reactors, and different wastes that are not suitable for deep burial.

☢ Canadian activists campaign for overhaul of nuclear waste regulatory regime Seizing on the gov’t’s plan to modernize its radioactive waste policy framework written in 1996, activists called for “serious reform”.


☢ OCAA Calls for Safer Nuclear Storage Solutions OPG’s current method for storing nuclear waste in conventional storage buildings is just not good enough. We need proper hardened and fail-safe facilities now, as they use in Germany. Read our report, and send a message to Premier Ford here.

☢ Gas pipeline is obsolete technology Huntsville is one of dozens of ON communities targeted for the province’s gas expansion. But local residents say climate goals need to be prioritized instead.

☢ Heat pumps are what our climate needs now Converting to heat pumps for heating and cooling can reduce both energy poverty and greenhouse gas emissions. Send a message to the Ford gov’t to support smart energy use.

Renewables and Conservation

☼ Germany Approves $180 Billion Funding to Accelerate Green Energy Shift Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has pushed Germany to expand renewables, invest in conservation, cut harmful industrial emissions, develop the hydrogen sector, and promote EVs. The money will flow from revenues from carbon pricing.

☼ Austria to ban gas boilers in new buildings as of 2023

☼ Experts Warn UK Government Not to Bury Nuclear Waste Under Ocean Floor


Take Action

☢ YES! Experimental nuclear reactors (SMRs) DO need an impact assessment: Speak Out! New Brunswick aims to build an SMR. Tell the feds to impose a full environmental assessment.

☢ Federal Action Needed to Stop Gas-Power Insanity Please send a message to federal Env. Min. Guilbeault and your MP asking them to enact a Clean Electricity Standard that prohibits the building of new gas-fired power plants.

☢ We need a safer interim storage for OPG’s nuclear wastes: above-ground, attack-resistant, reinforced concrete vaults. Send your message to Premier Ford and Energy Min. Smith here.

☢ Say no to new nuclear in the GTA Tell Ontario’s political leaders that you want investments in wind and solar energy, not a new GTA nuclear reactor.

☢ Tell Ottawa: no more funding for new nuclear reactors Tell federal Ministers to stop wasting our $ on polluting nuclear reactors.

☢ Reclaim Pickering’s waterfront Call for the immediate dismantling of the Pickering Nuclear Station after closure in 2024. Send a message to Ontario’s Finance Minister and your MPP.


☢ The Day After – film screening and discussion Sat. Aug. 6, noon -3 p.m. ET With speakers Dr. Gordon Edwards and Vicki Elson. Hosted by World Beyond War

☢ Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day 77th Anniversary Commemoration Tues. Aug. 9, 7 – 8:30 p.m. ET Canada, Sign the Nuclear Ban Treaty!

☢ Short Online Courses on Radiation, Biology and Society with Gender + Radiation Impact Project and Beyond Nuclear starting in Sept.

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