• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

AWARE Simcoe constitution (replaced)

In About Us
May 29th, 2011
AWARE Simcoe Constitution 2011
Adopted April 30 2011 in Dalston. It was replaced by a new amended constitution adopted by a special members meeting December 10 2015
1. Mission statement
AWARE Simcoe is a citizens’ group that works for transparency and accountability in government and to protect water, the environment and health.
2. Membership
a. Open to any resident of Simcoe County
b.  $20 a year individual, $30 a year family
c. Membership allows a person to participate and vote at all general meetings, stand for election to the board and become a member of the local AWARE group in their municipality, if it exists, or start one, if it doesn’t.
d. AWARE Simcoe includes affiliated AWARE municipal groups and organizations that share the Vision of AWARE Simcoe. Membership fees are split 50/50 between AWARE Simcoe and the affiliated organization.
3. Board 
a. Board Members will be one representative from each municipality, and up to five elected at large at a public meeting of AWARE Simcoe.
b. New elections will be held each year at an annual general meeting.
c. In cases where a municipality is not represented on the board, the board can vote to co-opt a representative and put the position up for election at the next public meeting.
d. Board members’ duties include organizing public meetings and the annual general meeting, keeping members informed, furthering the aims of the organization and other activities as required.
e. The board may strike subcommittees to address specific issues.
f. A quorum shall be five elected members.
4. Officers
Officers will be elected by board members at their first meeting after the Annual General Meeting.
a. Chair. The chair will chair board and membership meetings
b. Vice-chair. The vice-chair will assume the chair’s duties if the latter is absent
c Treasurer. The treasurer will manage the finances and present a report to each board and membership meeting for approval.
d. Secretary. The secretary will keep minutes of board and membership meetings and present them to each meeting for approval.
5. Annual General Meeting
Notice of a month will be given of the AGM and election of officers to members and people on the email list by email, and by mail for those members not on email.
6. Procedure
Roberts Rules of Order will generally apply.
Amended April 27 2013 by adding clause 2d.

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