• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

AWARE Simcoe constitution

In About Us
Dec 10th, 2015

Adopted December 10 2015 in Midhurst

Name of the organization:

The organization’s registered official name shall be: AWARE Simcoe: Social and Environmental Solutions Inc. Hereafter referred to as AWARE Simcoe

Mission Statement:

AWARE Simcoe is a citizens’ group that works to protect water, the environment and health through transparency and accountability in government. Vision Statement: Simcoe County, including the cities of Barrie and Orillia, will become a community of communities that will permanently sustain the social and physical well-being of all residents.

Statement of Purpose:

To promote and may ntain a healthy community, within the carrying capacity of our environment.

Values: ………………………………AWARE Simcoe Core Value Statement

Environmental Awareness….. Environmental Awareness will lead to stewardship across our community.

Accountability…………………… We will be accountable advocates.

Commitment…………………….. We are determined and persistent.

Ethics……………………………….. We will conduct ourselves with integrity in all of our dealings

Information Sharing………….. Informed citizens make good decisions

Future Generations……………. Our legacy must demonstrate that we were good ancestors.


Open to any resident or property owner of Simcoe County, Barrie and Orillia, who share our Vision, Mission and Values.

Cost is $20.00 single or $30.00 per family/couple a year or as set by the Board of Directors from time to time.

Membership allows a person to participate and vote at all general meetings, stand for election to the board and become a member of the local AWARE Simcoe group in their municipality, if it exists, or to start one, if it doesn’t.

AWARE Simcoe may include affiliated municipal groups and organizations that share the Vision of AWARE Simcoe. Membership fees are split 50/50 between AWARE Simcoe and the affiliated organizations.

The Board of Directors:

A) Board membership will consist of one representative from each municipality, Barrie and Orillia, and up to ten elected at large at a general meeting of AWARE Simcoe.

B) New elections will be held each year at an Annual General Meeting

C) In the case where a municipality is not represented on the board, the board can vote to appoint a representative and put the position up for election at the next public meeting.

D) Board members’ duties include organizing public meetings and the Annual General Meeting, keeping members informed, furthering the aims of the organization and other activities as required.

E) The Board may strike subcommittees to address specific issues.

F) A quorum shall be ten elected members.

Nominations and Elections:

Nominations for positions on the Board of Directors may be made by any member in good standing at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose.

A nomination committee of 2 or 3 members in good standing shall be appointed by the Board of Directors 60 days prior to the AGM.

Election shall be by a show of hands, but in the event only one candidate is nominated in a municipality, no vote is required and the nominated candidate shall be declared elected by acclamation.

A majority of the votes cast shall be required to elect Directors from each municipality. In the event no candidate receives a majority, the candidate with the fewest votes shall be dropped from the ballot and another vote shall be held.

The Board of Directors / Officers:

Officers of AWARE Simcoe shall be elected at the first board of directors meeting following the AGM and shall include: Chair, First Vice-Chair, Second Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

Duties of the respective Executive Officers shall be as follows:

Chair (1 year term):

- Oversee the members of the Board and the Executive in their respective duties

- Chair all meetings of the Board and Executive, including all general meetings

- Have signing authority for AWARE Simcoe

- Speak on behalf of AWARE Simcoe on all public matters

- Abstain from voting on board motions except to break a tie

First Vice-Chair (1 year term):

- Assist the Chair in his or her duties

- Assume all powers of the Chair in his or her absence

- Have signing authority for AWARE Simcoe

- Be intended to stand for election to the office of Chair when the incumbent Chair has completed his or her term

Second Vice-Chair (1 year term):

- Assist the First Vice-Chair in his or her duties

- Assume all powers of the First Vice-Chair in his or her absence

- Have signing authority for AWARE Simcoe

- Be intended to stand for election to the office of First Vice-Chair when the incumbent has completed his or her term

Treasurer (1 year term):

- Be responsible for executing all AWARE Simcoe financial matters

- Prepare an annual budget

- Maintain all financial records for AWARE Simcoe including grants, agreements, funding developments and auditor 

– Have signing authority for AWARE Simcoe

Secretary (1 Year Term):

– Record the minutes of the Board and Executive as well as the general meetings

– Circulate draft minutes to Board members within 2 weeks following a board meeting

Board of Directors:

All members of the board except for the Chairperson presiding over the meeting shall have a right to vote at all board meetings. Voting shall be by a show of hands, except when a secret ballot on a particular issue is called for by a majority of members present, including elections. All members shall each have one vote on any given voting issue. In cases where there is a tie in the number of votes at any board meeting, whether upon a show of hands or a ballot, the Chairperson shall be entitled to a tie breaking vote.

If attendance at the meeting is not possible, members are encouraged to have their voices heard by giving their proxy to another member who will be in attendance. A proxy form must be completed, signed by the person conceding the vote and submitted to the Chair prior to the meeting or on-site during registration. A proxy voting card will be issued to identify the extra vote(s) the member is representing. Any member may carry a maximum of 2 proxy votes for other members unable to attend. Sub Committees: The membership at any general meeting, or the Board of Directors at any meeting of the Board, may establish a standing committee or special committee or position to carry out specific business or programs. Example – Web Master, Policy Committee.


Board of Directors meetings will generally be held every month unless voted on to be changed within 10 days of the upcoming meeting. Members of the Board of Directors who do not attend a minimum of 5 meetings in 1 year may be removed from the board by a 2/3 vote of members present. Members may attend meetings by electronic means.

The following business shall be included in each agenda:

1. Attendance

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting

3. Treasurer’s Report 4. Other Reports

5. Unfinished Business

6. Any Other New Business

7. Adjournment

Annual General Meeting:

AWARE Simcoe shall hold its Annual General Meeting no later than the last day of May each year. The agenda of the Annual General Meeting shall include:

-Minutes of the previous AGM meeting

-Chair’s report

-Reports of Committee Chairpersons

-Financial statements, approved by auditor

-Auditor’s appointment for the ensuing year

-Consideration of amendments (if any) to the Constitution

-Other business

A quorum for the AGM shall be 20 members in good standing.

Special General Meeting:

A Special General Meeting may be called by the Board of Directors with a minimum of 10 days notice to the membership. Only the business set out in the notice of the Special General Meeting shall be considered.

Amendments to the Constitution:

-A member may submit, in writing, to the Chair of the Board of Directors, 60 days prior to the AGM or Special General Meeting, a recommendation for change to amend the Constitution.

-Any such recommendation shall be presented to the Board of Directors by the Chair, in the form of a Notice of Motion. The motion shall include the exact wording of the change.

-Final approval of amendments to the Constitution will be introduced at the next Board Meeting and the motion shall be discussed and a vote of 2/3 in favour is required to carry.

-Notice of motions to ratify or amend the Constitution at a General Meeting, shall be provided to all members at least twenty-one (21) days in advance.

-Ratification on of amendments to the Constitution at a Special General Meeting or Annual General Meetings shall require approval of 2/3 of the members present at the meeting.

-The AGM shall be open to the public and advertised.

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