• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

LETTER: Cancelling highway projects next step to protect Greenbelt

In Agriculture
Oct 31st, 2023

Letter to the Editor, October 29, 2023

Like proposed Bradford Bypass and 404-Highway 12 extensions, Highway 413 will destroy forests, wetlands, and imperil livelihoods of First Nations and farmers, says letter writer

Doug Ford is sorry and wants to forever protect the Greenbelt?

Then why is he still insisting on the 400-series expansions of redundant highway and using more taxpayer dollars to take the federal government to court to cut corners to build the 413? Minister Steven Guilbeault wants to safeguard the environment and prevent more climate emergencies. Doug doesn’t get it, or doesn’t care?

The Supreme Court ruling basically said the federal Impact Assessment Act legislation needed some tweaking to align with the Constitution, but Ford is jumping on it to squeeze in developer lobbying projects without weighing the long-term damage.

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