RSVP to RGMC Meeting. Learn about strategy to counter Ford’s changes to Planning Act
By Mike Balkwill, DAMN! Campaign Manager
The Reform Gravel mining Coalition is launching phase two of the campaign to reform gravel mining in Ontario.
7pm Thursday November 10, online
The Ford government is proposing legislation to prohibit third party appeals by resident groups of municipal decisions to rezone land for aggregate extraction.
This proposed legislation is a serious barrier to justice for resident groups organizing to protect their communities and the environment from the destructive impacts of gravel mining.
Environmental lawyer David Donnelly will spell out the implications of Doug Ford’s proposed legislation, and describe the action that municipal governments can take to preserve resident participation as a third party in appeals to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
There will also be a presentation by representatives of Forks of the Credit Preservation group, and their success in persuading Caledon Town Council to pass an Interim Control Bylaw (ICBL) before the municipal election.
Sarah Harmer, RGMC chairperson, and Mike Balkwill, campaign manager, will present a three-point action plan for municipal councils to protect and guarantee resident participation in local planning decisions to rezone land for aggregate extraction.
Make a plan to attend this important meeting.
Together we can reform gravel mining in Ontario.
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