• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Bill 23 – More Homes Built Faster Act

In Development
Nov 7th, 2022

What is Bill 23?

On October 25, 2022, Bill 23 (the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022) was introduced in the provincial legislature.  It is part of the government’s Housing Supply Action Plan released in March 2022 with the goal to build 1.5 million homes over the next 10 years. Bill 23 is an omnibus bill which overhauls development statutes, including the Planning Act, Development Charges Act, Ontario Heritage Act, and Conservation Authorities Act.

What is the rush?

Planning lawyers and specialists across the province are digging into this complex legislation to understand its meaning and impacts.  But the government intends to push the bill through at a lightning pace.  Introduced the day after municipal elections and before new councils are sworn in and oriented to their roles, the government will vote after second reading today and third reading may be complete before the end of this week.  This speed means we, citizens, need to power through to understand the information that the lawyers and subject experts are sharing now.

Invitation to join a webinar

Learn more about Bill 23 – implications for renters, housing affordability, energy cost and use, taxation, 15-minute communities, prime farmland, risk of flooding, endangered species, sensitive ecosystems, nature-based solutions to climate change and more.

Register to join one or more of 3 virtual meetings that 50by30WR is offering province-wide:

3 meetings for you to stay up-to-date on what Bill 23 means to organizations, municipalities, and people across the province, as well as an opportunity to mobilize action.

Wednesday, Nov 2, 12:00 – 2:00 pm

Friday, Nov 4, 6:30 – 9:00 pm

Tuesday, Nov 8, 6:30 – 9:00 pm

What do we hope you will do?  Bring your questions, concerns, expertise.  Organizations will have an opportunity to share their ideas and plans for feedback and community action.

Why is this issue important?

Before the conservative party elected Doug Ford as leader, he held a secret meeting with developers promising to open up the Greenbelt.  The public uproar that ensued forced him to back down and promise to protect the Greenbelt.  What is happening now is a betrayal of that promise.  The changes that will result from this Bill 23 were not presented for debate during the provincial election and are being pushed through now at a time when municipal leaders are newly elected and not in a position to respond.  So, it is up to us to raise our voices:

  • to protect the growing numbers of working poor,
  • to demand truth and reconciliation for our indigenous neighbours
  • to give hope to young families and elders for stable affordable housing
  • to ensure productive farmland and food sovereignty
  • to create a safe livable future for our children


With the failure of federal and provincial governments to act as if we are in a climate emergency, climate concerned citizens across Ontario have worked hard to put climate action on campaign agendas during this municipal election and to support candidates who understand why urgent climate action is critical to addressing affordability, homelessness and mental health issues amongst others.  The work we have done must not be wiped out with this one complex omnibus bill that threatens to remove many of the powers of conservation authorities and municipal governments.  And the limits and burdens on those who wish to appeal is anti-democratic.

Please join us, bring others and share broadly through social media and your networks.

Please sign up for our 50by30WR newsletter for more resources on Bill 23, a letter to send to your MPP and petitions to sign.

For more information


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