Frustrated with ‘tone-deaf’ council, Saltsman enters Tiny race
Tiny Township resident Steve Saltsman.
From MidlandToday, August 23, 2022
By Derek Howard
Steve Saltsman wants to be elected deputy mayor of Tiny Township to protect the municipality from the threats it’s facing ‘from multiple influences.’
Current Deputy Mayor Steffen Walma will not be seeking re-election for the role. Saltsman is vying for the job alongside Sean Miskimins and John Bryant in the Oct. 24 municipal election.
Raised in a political environment, Saltsman learned about public service from family including an uncle who served as a Member of Parliament. He studied political science at the University of Windsor prior to his careers in customer service, business start-ups and commercial real estate development and construction.
In 2006, he and his family relocated to Tiny Township drawn by the area’s beauty, quiet lifestyle, and quality of life.
“The very attributes that drew myself and many others to the area – the crystal-clear waters, pristine landscapes and beaches, the peaceful, safe, and family- oriented neighbourhoods so unique to this municipality – must be preserved at all costs,” said Saltsman.
“This is my home, and my home and community are under threat from multiple influences.”
Describing the current handling of short-term rentals, ecological issues involving aggregate mining and the quality of water, and disputes among residents and visitors regarding property ownership along the Georgian Bay shoreline as “inexcusable and reprehensible,” Saltsman opted to enter the race as part of a co-campaign with mayoral candidate Tony Mintoff.
“Watching and personally interacting on numerous occasions with this outgoing council has both been an eye-opening and unsettling experience,” stated Saltsman. “Being witness to the misguided, tone-deaf and frankly misleading narrative presented by this administration to the residents of Tiny on several issues, has prompted me to take this step.
“As a businessperson, I strongly believe that who the customer is and whose interests are paramount – the ratepaying residents of Tiny – has been forgotten, and that without strong leadership and commitment to the community, Tiny is doomed to more of the same unresponsive government at a time when the stakes are just too high,” Saltsman added.
Saltsman said he will bring a real-world perspective to council discussions, with critical examination to reports and the recommendations of staff and senior management; all of which will shape public policy in the future of the township.
“Whether it be the development of public policy, recognizing council’s fiduciary responsibility to sound fiscal management or the delivery of services in an efficient, respectful and ethical manner, the residents of Tiny, my neighbours, deserve better,” said Saltsman.
Information on the Midland municipal election can be found on the Township of Tiny website.
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