• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

An unbeatable recipe for phasing out gas-fired power

In Climate Change
Jan 27th, 2022

By Angela Bischoff, Director of the Ontario Clean Air Alliance

There is no question that Ontario must end the use of gas-fired electricity generation. With less than a decade left to slash climate-wrecking emissions, gas simply has to go.

There is also no question that we can phase-out gas use in the electricity sector and have a zero-carbon electricity system by 2030  as our new report makes clear.

All the elements we need to eliminate the use of polluting gas are already in place: We know how to make our homes, buildings and factories more energy efficient. We know solar, wind and other renewable sources can be cost effectively expanded. We have the connections in place with Quebec to tap into its huge surplus of low-cost waterpower. And we know this dynamite combination can deliver carbon-free power 24/7 at the lowest available cost.

That’s why it is so astounding that instead of adopting the simple recipe of higher efficiency combined with expanded made-in-Ontario renewable energy and low-cost power from our energy superpower neighbour, our energy planners want to ramp up gas plant use by more than 600% and build a high-cost and completely unproven nuclear reactor in our largest urban area (where its radioactive waste will also be stored).

Compare our simple straightforward plan for getting Ontario to a critically important goal – a zero carbon electricity system – with the Independent Electricity Operator’s (IESO’s) bizarre plan for higher emissions and skyrocketing costs. And shake your head.

Or, better yet, contact Energy Minister Todd Smith and tell him to instruct the IESO to get with the program and make sure Ontario can meet its climate obligations in a smart and efficient way.

Prime Minister Trudeau has promised to create a net-zero carbon electricity grid for Canada by 2035. Ontario, which led the way globally on phasing out dirty coal, can do it by 2030. Please tell Minister Smith that it is time for Ontario to lead again.

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