• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

The tree that went around the world

In Agriculture
Jun 24th, 2021
1 Comment
This image of a massive tree being hauled north from Nanaimo, B.C., was shared online by Lorna Beecroft and sparked outrage from Japan to Denmark. [1]

By Shane, Head of the Nature and Food, Greenpeace Canada

A massive old-growth tree was caught on camera barrelling down a highway in Nanaimo, B.C. Within days, the image made its way around the world, throwing the fight for old-growth in Canada onto the global stage. Trees this large belong in forests, not on highways.

Sadly, B.C. premier John Horgan’s war on old growth forest continues, drawing comparisons with Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro for his head-in-the-sand attitude. [2]

But now the world is watching. Canadians across the country are watching. Over 25,000 of you have already demanded action.

Soon we’ll be delivering the petition to premier Horgan, to add your voices to the groundswell of forest protectors that want to see these ancient ecosystems remain for generations to come. But we want to make sure we deliver it with as much impact as possible. Will you help us reach 30,000 signatures by sharing the petition with your network?

The last few weeks have been critical and action-filled. Social media has been flooded with stunning images of massive trees being hauled away, courageous protestors standing their ground and police wearing supremacist imagery to make heavy-handed arrests. [2] [3] [4]

These ancient trees can’t keep falling. The premier knows what he needs to do. [5] Many First Nations aren’t waiting and are already announcing their own plans for protecting the forest while the premier dithers. [6] I’m full of gratitude for the perseverance and knowledge of these communities.

What is the premier waiting for to take action? More arrests? More giant old growth trees chopped to the ground? This impacts all of us — the consequences of losing these forests for the climate are enormous. The consequences for wildlife are just as bad. [7]

Incredibly, the logging industry is still insisting they must chop down these priceless forests. [8] Clearly they remain stuck in the past as we know they are worth more standing. So far, premier Horgan has shown he stands with them.

It’s time to tell him to stand for the forests instead! Will you help us push the petition past 30,000 signatures before we deliver it directly to Horgan?

Together, we can do this!


[1] Photo of massive tree being hauled down B.C. highway sparks global outrage

[2] Ending Horgan’s War Against Old Growth

[3] Arrests surpass 100 at B.C. old-growth logging protests: RCMP

[4] Mounties criticized for wearing ‘thin blue line’ patches at B.C. old-growth logging protests

[5] Why the BC NDP’s old-growth preservation efforts fall short

[6] Squamish Nation calls for old-growth logging moratorium in its territory

[7] B.C. failing to meet international targets for protecting biodiversity, critical habitat: report

[8] Coastal logging needs old-growth for at least next decade, forester says


One Response to “The tree that went around the world”

  1. Holly Levinter says:

    Once these trees and forests are gone, they cannot be replaced in 5 times our lifetime. Without them, fire erupts and burns communities and more forest. Without them wildlife has no home, many decide to come and life with you – after all, you killed their home, now they will live in yours. Without them our carbon dioxide levels rise and our oxygen levels lower.
    There are many more reasons for protecting these trees and forests. Premier Hogan, listn to your people

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