• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Endangered species: Keep on working to protect habitat

In Agriculture
Mar 5th, 2019
Redside Dace

Redside Dace -Fisher’s Films photo

AWARE News Network

The Endangered Species Act comment period is now closed.  We will see what impact public feedback will have on the government’s actions.  We are not overly optimistic that the needs of our endangered species will supersede the desire tobe “open for business”.

Examples from two previous consultations – Sex Ed changes and the Cap and Trade removal – demonstrate that although comment support was overwhelmingly against the government’s intention, the government continued on its predetermined policy path.

So, don’t be surprised if little changes from the consultation’s direction.  It is likely that new ESA policies will be implemented in the next six months along with changes that encourage sprawling development and increase access for aggregate – with yet more changes to planning and conservation authorities in the works.

In the meantime, this is the submission to the ESA consultation from the Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition.

SCGB ESA Submission March 4, 2019

It includes much valuable information for you to know and to share with your friends, your networks, your political representatives. What we learned from Bill 66 is that local vigilance and stewardship make a difference – so together, let’s put in the time and effort to work for a better tomorrow.


The Vulnerability of Provincially Rare Species (Species-at-Risk) to Climate Change in the Lake Simcoe Watershed, Ontario, Canada

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