• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Anita Moore — Springwater Ward 4

In Candidates / Election 2018
Aug 26th, 2018
1 Comment

from Barrie Advance

Anita Moore
Anita Moore – Anita Moore/Submitted
As a registered nurse with an ongoing commitment to health-care delivery at home, I will bring a caring approach to ALL residents’ concerns. I have lived in Ward 4 for over 22 years, which has allowed me to grow and raise my family in a safe, quiet, rural community, and create lasting friendships. My passion for Ward 4 has led me to volunteering locally at the Grenfel Community Centre for over 20 years. I have also spend the last four years as an appointed member of the committee of adjustments for the Township of Springwater in determining outcomes for resident permit/severance applications.

I am committed to:

• Quality of life — Promoting a community of communities within Ward 4 (Centre Vespra, Snow Valley, Carson Ridge and Grenfel) by appointing stewardship and a local voice

• Promoting trails and recreation

• Development — Manage growth with the first phase of the Midhurst Secondary Plan scheduled for our ward. We want to ensure that existing taxpayers to not bear the brunt of infrastructure costs now and ongoing.

• Encourage smart growth principles and low impact development

• Safe Communities — There have been two deaths at or near the corner of Wilson and Carson Ridge Rd. We need lights installed there, and I intend to bring attention to the county and continue to fight for this very dangerous intersection to be rectified.

• I also supporting the reopening of the Centre Vespra Fire Hall

Actions speak louder than words. Please follow me on Facebook for my Testimonial Tuesday posts. These posts feature local residents from all over Ward 4 who support my run for councillor based on past and demonstrated decision-making, not just words that anyone can say

Facebook — voteanitamoore

Twitter @voteanitamoore

Email — anitamooreward4@gmail.com

Phone — 705-725-1347

One Response to “Anita Moore — Springwater Ward 4”

  1. Peter Grammelhofer says:

    New high-density city like homes of Stonemanor woods subdivision. I believe there are 3 issues that the GTA style subdivision has not adequately though t through and wonder what your position is and what you think the Township of Springwater can do to alleviate.
    I am one of many residents that have joined Springwater Township by moving to Stonemanor woods subdivision. In that subdivision is a plan to have parks so we have a safe area for our children to play. The builder has not started the parks and over half the homes are built. It has been well over 3 years and the children are literally playing on the streets. Considering the density of the housing is it possible to persuade the builder to move these non-profitable portions of the subdivision along at a quicker pace?
    The subdivision of Stonemanor woods could also benefit by an area that the dogs can be “off leash” as with no designated area the local sidewalks and wooded trails are being incorrectly used for this purpose.
    Last is a bylaw that makes little sense. You can’t push snow across the road. I can understand the rational behind this but in an area of high density were your neighbour’s driveway is 4 feet away you can only pile snow so high until it lands on the road, sidewalk or neighbours. These are not an estate sized properties or country driveways, it is a city sized lot in the snow belt. It is simply not possible to keep all the snow that collects over a winter on a wide driveway plus what the snowplows add from the road in the snowbelt all on your front lawn which is half the driveways size (~10m x 10m). It is not physically possible to keep it off your neighbour’s property, the road, and the sidewalk unless the excess is trucked or melted, both not feasible for the homeowners that buy what the Township and builder have designed, with snow accumulation being overlooked in this community. What can be done to assist the homeowners with smaller than average lawn space for 10 foot snow piles they can’t add to?

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