• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

County amends OP to allow for Freele Tract waste facility

In Council Watch
Jul 4th, 2018
1 Comment
Freele Tract

Notice from County of Simcoe

Notice of Adoption Simcoe County OPA 2

TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the County of Simcoe enacted By-law No. 6754 to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan for the County of Simcoe on the 26th of June, 2018, pursuant to Section 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended.

Official Plan Amendment No. 2 (County File: SC-OPA-1602) applies to the lands legally described as Part of Lot 2, Concession 1, and known municipally as 2976 Horseshoe Valley Road West (County Road 22), Township of Springwater, County of Simcoe. A key map has been provided with this notice.

THE PURPOSE of the County initiated amendment is to modify Schedule 5.6.1 of the County Official Plan by renaming the schedule from ‘County Waste Disposal Sites’ to ‘County Waste Management System’, adding ‘Environmental Resource Recovery Centre’ to the map legend and adding a symbol for ‘Environmental Resource Recovery Centre’ to the Schedule on a portion of the subject lands. The proposed amendment will also add a new site specific section of text after Section 4.9.17 detailing the permitted uses and associated development parameters on the site.

THE EFFECT of the amendment is to facilitate the development of an Environmental Resource Recovery Centre that includes an Organics Processing Facility for the long-term processing of source-separated organics, a Materials Management Facility for the transfer of garbage, recyclables and source-separated organics, a potential future Materials Recovery Facility, and ancillary uses.

PRIOR TO adoption of Official Plan Amendment No. 2, statutory public meeting was held on May 9, 2017 to receive public input on the proposed official plan amendment in accordance with Section 17(15) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. With the adoption of Recommendation CCW-199-18 of the Committee of the Whole, Council deems it expedient to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 2 to the County of Simcoe Official Plan.

PUBLIC INPUT in the form of oral and written submissions were received from the public and agencies. The effect of these comments are detailed in the associated staff report (CCW 2018-320). The County is satisfied that these comments were considered prior to adoption of Official Plan Amendment No. 2. To view Item CCW 2018-320, visit simcoe.ca/opa2-errc. A hardcopy of Item CCW 2018-320 will be made available upon request.

THE OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT and background materials are available for viewing the County of Simcoe Customer Service desk located in the County of Simcoe Administration Centre during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday) and also on the County of Simcoe website at simcoe.ca. For information related to the Environmental Resource Recovery Centre, visit simoce.ca/errc.

RELATED FILES Township of Springwater File No. OP-2016-005 and ZB-2016-021

ANY PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY will be entitled to receive a Notice of Decision of the Approval Authority, being the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, if a written request to be notified of the Decision is made to:
Ministry of Municipal Affairs
Municipal Services Division, Central Region 777 Bay Street, 13th Floor
Toronto, ON M5G 2E5
Attn: Ross Lashbrook, Manager

DATED at Midhurst this 4th day of July, 2018.
John Daly, County Clerk

One Response to “County amends OP to allow for Freele Tract waste facility”

  1. Deb Brown says:

    The location chosen for this is so completely unsuitable I cant believe the County gave permission for this to proceed. A waste processing facility should NOT be located on Horseshoe Valley Road, any site chosen should be away from key populated areas. The Freele site is prime land, just north of Barrie, full of beautiful trees, farms, homes. An area where many would love to live. An area I would love to move to. But if they build the proposed garbage processing plant here, the desirability of the area will be substantially reduced, I can imagine the horror of the neighbours in the area as they envision the coming garbage smell, the trucks, etc. This is so clearly a bad location. Surely our County can find a less populated site, NOT in prime beautiful tourist and residential area like Horseshoe Valley. Sigh.

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