• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Wednesday August 17 – Nuttall town halls in Oro, Barrie, Minesing

In Governance
Aug 15th, 2016
MP Alex Nutgall

Alex Nuttall MP (Barrie – Springwater – Oro-Medonte) is holding town halls on topics that will include electoral reform, physician-assisted suicide, TPP and Q & A on federal issues.


Wednesday August 17

Township Building
148 Line 7 South

4:30-6:30 PM – BARRIE
Barrie City Hall
70 Collier Street

Minesing Community Centre
2347 Ronald Road


from Anita Nickerson
Fair Vote Canada Action Coordinator

In October 2015, 63% of Canadians voted for parties which promised that 2015 was the last federal election using first-past-the-post, and to make every vote count in 2019.

As part of the government consultation on electoral reform, MPs have been invited to hold town halls. This is our chance to show up and speak up for proportional representation! What the MPs hear from citizens at the town halls will be reported back to the all-party committee. Please show up if you can and invite others.

Most Conservative MPs are choosing not to hold town halls on electoral reform. A town hall by MP Nuttall is a welcome opportunity to let him know constituents support PR.

If you are able to attend please let me know so I can touch base with you afterwards.

Please let us know how the town hall goes by sending a summary to mpreports@fairvote.ca!

If you are a constituent and not able to attend: Please email Alex at alex.nuttall@parl.gc.ca or call his constituency office at (705) 728-2596. Identify yourself as a constituent who is unable to attend the town hall but would like to let him know you support proportional representation. You may also consider copying the electoral reform committee at erre@parl.gc.ca.

Thanks so much for your help at this important time.


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