• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Eliminate subsidies to nuclear, fossil fuel, incineration

In Blog
Feb 6th, 2016

Letter to The Honourable William Francis Morneau, Minister of Finance
Government of Canada

Re: Pre-budget consultation 2016

Thank you for seeking input into Canada’s federal budget for 2016-17.

This budget provides a great opportunity for Canada to shift to a cleaner, greener economy.

I support the recommendations put forward by the Green Budget Coalition (http://greenbudget.ca/recommendations/). These recommendations need to be made a priority in order for Canada to quickly achieve the positive changes for our country that so many Canadians desire.

It is also imperative that our federal government eliminate subsidies – particularly to the nuclear industry, the fossil fuel industry, and incineration of waste (green-washed as “energy-from-waste”).

As you know, subsidies distort the market, displace options that are truly “green and clean”, thwart local employment opportunities, reward dirty businesses that often export their profits, and reduce Canada’s budget by billions of dollars every year. Rather than subsidize pollution and destroy resources Canada can lead programs to conserve energy, build a strong economy, and protect human health and the environment.

An urgent item, to help avoid further financial problems for Canada, is the Ontario Power Generation (OPG) plan to dispose of radio-active nuclear waste in the Great Lakes Basin. International attention is on Canada regarding this outrageous and dangerous plan. The potential for financial and environmental disaster is obvious. Water protection must be a top priority. Please take immediate action to stop OPG’s plan and seek sensible methods of storing nuclear waste.

Your leadership will make it possible to achieve a clean, green economy. I look forward to working with you during this important transition.

Thank you,

K Clune

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