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Springwater denies gravel pit expansion

In Council Watch
Jan 21st, 2016
Bill French

By Ian McInroy, Barrie Examiner

Residents of Centre Vespra are digging the decision by Springwater Township councillors Wednesday night to deny the expansion of a nearby gravel pit.

Members of the People vs. Pits in Centre Vespra group, made up of residents of the village located west of Barrie on Sunnidale Road, applauded council’s decision to deny a draft bylaw that would have amended a zoning bylaw, and grant a permit for aggregate extraction beside an existing gravel pit off Barrie Hill Road.

“It was a great decision,” said People vs. Pits spokesman David Aves. “We weren’t sure going in if we were going to win this thing. It was a pleasant surprise, but we feel we launched a compelling argument that said this rezoning shouldn’t be allowed.”

Spingwater Township Mayor Bill French said councillors looked at residents’ concerns and the merits of the proposal.

“I think one of the reasons (the draft bylaw was denied) is the character of Centre Vespra has changed so much in the last 20 years,” he said, adding gravel pits are a temporary use, usually for about 20 years.

“So I think part of the reason, and I can’t speak for everybody, is that there would’ve have probably been an expectation in the longer term that the (existing) pit cease operation. So, by opening another one, obviously there’s another 20 years and things have changed so much. I don’t even think the Stone Gate subdivision was there when the pit was opened, when there may have been 75 homes.

“Now, we’re probably up talking about 850 homes,” French added. “I think people are aware that traffic has changed. Sunnidale Road is one of the main county roads now and there’s a lot more traffic there than 10 years ago and even five years ago.

“When it was all said and done, I think councillors asked, ‘Where’s the greater good?'”

French described the proponent, John Eek and Sons, as “one of the best operators I’ve seen,” in terms of their gravel pit operations.

“But I think it really comes down to who takes priority in this and I guess council felt the residents in this particular case had concerns that should be listened to over that of another gravel pit,” he said.

However, Wednesday night’s decision may not necessarily be the end of a gravel pit near Centre Vespra, the mayor added.

“Any time an application is denied, it can be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) so they do have that avenue. Obviously, if there is an OMB appeal, there’s a distribution (of information) into the immediate area and they’d be made aware of the Eek appeal,” French said.

“There’s nothing else we’re going to do as a township,” he added. “We made a decision and someone else is going to have to decide if that was not the right decision. There’s no more information we need and now we have to wait for due process.”

Eek has 20 days from the time of what’s known as a notice of refusal being issued by the township to appeal the decision to the OMB. That notice should be issued within the next couple of days, according to a township official.

It’s unclear if the proponent of the gravel pit expansion will appeal.

Repeated phone calls and emails by the Examiner to Innovative Planning Solutions, which is representing the proponents, have gone unanswered this week.

Gravel pit rezoning rejected in Springwater

By Janis Ramsay Barrie Advance January 28 2016

Springwater Township council has rejected a gravel pit expansion request.

While some residents are celebrating the decision, John Eek and Son Ltd. is considering whether to file an appeal with the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB).

“I’m very disappointed in the outcome of that council meeting,” company owner Dave Eek said.

He added he was meeting with business partners Tuesday to decide how he wanted to proceed.

Mayor Bill French was among four council members to reject the proposed gravel pit expansion at Barrie Hill Road at Sunnidale Road.

Full story


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