• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Sunday November 29: March in Ottawa for climate solutions and justice

In Environment
Nov 4th, 2015

100 per cent clean economy by 2050 is 100 per cent possible

from the David Suzuki Foundation

With the federal election behind us, it’s time to show our newly elected government that we expect bold action on climate change at the December UN climate summit in Paris.

Please join us in Ottawa on November 29 for 100% Possible: Marching Together for Climate Solutions and Justice. Let’s show our new government that the transition to a 100 per cent clean-energy economy by 2050 is not only necessary to solve the climate crisis, it’s 100 per cent possible.

We have a variety of transportation choices to help you attend. There are some organized buses, opportunities to organize a bus from your town and other options, including ride shares.

We have a vision for a healthy, diverse economy with low-carbon jobs that respects indigenous rights and everyone’s right to live in a healthy environment with clean air, soil and water. We know you do too.

That’s why on November 29, the David Suzuki Foundation is joining a massive coalition to march in our nation’s capital and send a clear message to our new government on the eve of the UN climate summit in Paris.

We hope to you see you there.

P.S. If getting to Ottawa isn’t realistic, you can attend one of thousands of events around the world, including Canada, culminating in a mass mobilization in Paris on December 12. Find an event near you to join the global movement for climate justice.

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