AWARE Chair inspired by Pontiff’s words
Letter from Don Morgan, Midland
As chair of AWARE Simcoe, I am encouraged by the words of the Pope during his recent visit to our part of the world and it made me think of why AWARE Simcoe exists.
Following the issues of concern surrounding Site 41 and the eventual halt of this proposed degradation of Mother Earth, AWARE Simcoe was formed to monitor and provide continued input, on behalf of the citizens of this County, to decisions made that affect us all. These have focused mainly on those issues regarding the environment, indiscriminate growth and all matters of earthly stewardship.
Unfortunately, there are those who have not been very receptive to our efforts. Those who would like to see us disappear and are intent on intimidating, bullying and throwing up road blocks against our efforts.
Now that we have heard the powerful words of the Pontiff, I am more convinced than ever that AWARE Simcoe has a place here in Simcoe County and that the nay sayers might make an attempt at listening and partnering rather than what that currently exists.
I applaud the dedicated work of our directorship, our many members, our affiliates and all those who feel we are following the right path. That we are contributing positively to the dialogue over issues that effect us all. I certainly think the Pope, from what I heard him say over the past fews days, would be happy with our efforts.
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