• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Homelessness is focus of county presentation at Tiny council

In Council Watch
Jun 7th, 2015
County Warden Gerry Marshall

Tiny Township Council Meeting Monday May 25, 201

By Vickie Kee AWARE Simcoe

A presentation was made by Ms. Cathy Kytayko, Director, Social Housing and Midland Mayor Gord McKay, Chair, Affordable
Housing Advisory Committee from the County of Simcoe and Penetanguishene Mayor and County Warden, Gerry Marshall concerning the Homelessness Prevention Strategy Implementation Plan. Simcoe County is mandated to deliver certain services to all
municipalities. The County needs Tiny Council to designate a staff representative to be the contact person and work in
partnership with the County over the Housing issue.

Ms. Sharon Vegh, Economic Development Officer and Mr. Chris Johnston, Chair, Economic Development Corporation of North
Simcoe made a presentation to council regarding an Economic Update. The purpose of this group is to attract new business
to the Tiny, Midland and Penetanguishene areas.

Mr. Darren Parberry made a presentation to Council regarding Metis Transportation Ltd. Transit Service. He is looking for a letter
of support from council to bring transit to Tiny with no cost to the municipality.

Doug Taylor, Tiny Treasurer, presented a report to council regarding street light conversiion to LED. The Township of Tiny is
partnering with Local Authority Services (LAS) and RealTerm energy Corporation to upgrade 390 street lights to Light Emitting
Diods (LED) technology to reduce street light energy consumption by 70%. Using less electricity means reducing our
environmental footprint. All the old fixtures will be recycled to recover the metal. glass and hazardous mercury contained in
the bulbs. By comparison,LED lights don’t contain mercury or lead and don’t release poisonous gases if damaged. They are also
less attractive to nocturnal insects.

Township of Tiny Town Hall Meeting Wednesday May 27, 2015

The questions asked by Tiny residents were about Septics, environmental issues, invasive species, clean up of Lafontaine Beach, water
levels, bike trails, parking, noise bylaw and a party house.
Peter Anderson,representeing a group in Waverley, presented council with a large map of the Waverley Uplands showing the Alliston
Aquifer and Site 41. Beamish is trying to expand their gravel pit but there is already a big problem with the existing pits. Pit number one is below the aquifer and the residents’ wells are affected by all of this. This is not just a problem for Tiny Township, Tay and Springwater Townships should be concerned too. We need to protect our water!

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