• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Tiny Concession 2 bridge gets reprieve

In Council Watch
Mar 15th, 2015
1 Comment

Report of the March 9, 2015 Tiny Council Meeting

By Vickie Kee AWARE Tiny
Mayor Cornell was absent. Deputy-Mayor Walma chaired the meeting, his first. Mr. Lyn Downer made a presentation to council regarding the Heritage Designation of the Concession 2 Bridge. He is concerned that the bridge is in peril and he would rather save it than see it destroyed.
In May of 2008, he made a deputation to council to designate the bridge but it went in-camera and was turned down because of the County of Simcoe and Site 41.
In 2012, Mr. Downer brought it back to council and the bridge became a Heritage Designation. Why has this council been talking about destroying an important part of our heritage? Apparently, it will cost $80,000 to remove the bridge and make a level crossing. What effect would taking it out have on the Wye River seeing that it is situated next to a flood plain?
Mr. Downer comments that there are grants available for restoring the bridge. Councillor Wishart asks for a staff report on the availability of grants. At the moment, the bridge does not need repairs. Councillor Hastings states that council will put this issue on the shelf for a few years. Councillor Hinton says that he will discuss this issue with the Heritage Committee next month.Mr.
David Gravelle, Souther Georgian Bay Family Physician Recruitment Officer, presented to council a report on our communities’ family physician recruitment needs and challenges. There are still new residents looking for doctors. For the years 2012-2017, 18 family physicians are needed. Recruiment is through educatiion.
In Planning and Development, the McMahan Woods developent was discussed. Councillor Hastings declared a conflict of interest and removed herself from council and sat in the front row of the audience.

Councillor Hinton announced that Dave Hobson from the Southern Georgian Bay detachment of the OPP will be retiring. Some of us worked with him on the committees for the Gord Leonard Golf Tournament and Dinner which raised money for the “Gord Leonard Quiet Room” at GBGH in Midland.

Mr Rick Ignas, Community Reach Transportation Coordinator for “Transportation Linking Communities,” made a presentation to council. This group provides non-emergency transportation by volunteers within North Simcoe for medical, legal, volunteering, recreation and social basic needs across Simcoe County. It is designed for low income people of all ages and seniors on a fixed income or with limited support. They are always looking for drivers.

One Response to “Tiny Concession 2 bridge gets reprieve”

  1. Elsie Maclaren says:

    Well done Vickie Kee. Thanks for keeping us posted

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