• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

OBA: Neonic issue heats up. Consultation continues

In Agriculture
Jan 12th, 2015

From the Ontario Beekeepers’ Association

We may be heavily into winter, but when it comes to the proposed neonic regulations it’s getting warmer all the time.

Subsequent to the announcement of a proposed regulatory system aimed at reducing neonicotinoid usage on 80% of corn and soy fields by 2017, the Province set up a series of consultations to discuss the plan and implementation issues. OBA has attended all sessions so far (Kingston is coming up on the 14th), and found them enlightening, respectful and constructive.

The Grain Farmers of Ontario, however, boycotted them, not wanting their message (as they put it) “to be diluted at urban venues by non-stakeholders”. Instead they insisted on an agriculture-only meeting to which OBA was not invited. And then, according to the National Farmers’ Union, as the meeting started, GFO, CropLifeCanada, the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, the Canadian Seed Trade Association, the Ontario Agri Business Association and the Canola Council of Canada made statements opposing this proposal and walked out of the room.

In a statement, GFO, announced that they would, instead, create their own process and develop an alternative solution.

The OBA is disappointed and disturbed at the strong-armed and secretive tactics of the GFO and the AgChem industry, but we remain committed to the process and to talking and collaborating with all those who are open to it. Currently we are reaching out to farm groups and looking for ways to build bridges and to make the proposed regulatory system work effectively for all.

In the meantime, the Ontario government is continuing their consultation. OBA is encouraging all beekeepers and bee supporters to read and respond to the consultation paper.

OBA is currently completing its own response, which we will share, but we have provided a draft email for you to send to the government. Deadline: Jan. 25, 2015.

You can find the government’s  consultation paper here.

You can find a draft email which you can personalize here.

Or you can write your own email.

If you are in the Kingston area, don’t forget the meeting on the 14th.

Additional information

Previous report from NFU

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