• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Murray asked to act on Zero Waste Conference resolutions

In Blog
Jan 19th, 2015

Ontario’s 1st Zero Waste Conference was held at Orillia’s Lakehead University last summer.  One of the outcomes from the Conference was a list of action items that attendees requested be forwarded to the province to encourage policy changes that will help reduce waste in Ontario.

Gord Joyce is a young eighty-two (82) year old who played a key role in organizing Ontario’s 1st Zero Waste Conference, which was attended by over 100 individuals from a variety of Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional sectors, as well as government leaders.  Those attending the Conference learned about sustainable waste reduction and diversion strategies for the workplace and our communities.

Gord Joyce has been a resident of Orillia for forty years and an active member of Orillia’s Waste and Environmental Management Advisory Committee for three years.  For the past thirty years, Gord has owned a sales and marketing business in the retail food business.

On behalf of the organizers of Ontario’s 1st Zero Waste Conference, Gord has sent this letter to the Honourable Glen Murray, Ontario’s new Minister of Environment and Climate Change.

Dear Minister Murray,

Re: Excel-erating Waste Reduction in Ontario

As committee organizers of Ontario’s 1st Zero Waste Conference we applaud you for moving forward with reviving discussions to expedite an effective Waste Reduction Act for Ontario. Although you were unable to attend Ontario’s 1st Zero Waste Conference, held at Orillia’s Lakehead University in August 2014, we were pleased that Melissa Evers, from Ontario’s Waste Management Policy Branch, was able to attend on your behalf.

Excel-erating Zero Waste was the theme of this 1st Zero Waste Conference, which welcomed over one hundred individuals from a variety of sectors. Attendees identified action items to move forward to the Provincial level for resolving two of Ontario’s waste problems – beverage containers and disposable diapers.

We understand that the Province is currently holding preliminary consultations with stakeholders regarding Ontario’s waste reduction strategies and the proposed Waste Reduction Act. As public stakeholders with a keen interest in protecting public finances and our resources, we look for your leadership to make the following statements, which evolved from Ontario’s 1st Zero Waste Conference, become a reality in Ontario.

1. Deposit Return System for Beverage Containers: “That the Province of Ontario immediately mandates a deposit-return system for used beverage containers, as exists in most Canadian provinces.”

2. Recovery System for Disposable Diapers:

“That the Province of Ontario establishes a system of recovery for disposable diapers, to eliminate current disposal practices of this product.”

Thank you for your attention to this request.

We look forward to your reply,

Mr. Gord Joyce

Zero Waste Conference – Organizing Committee


ZWC – 2014 Resolutions to Ontario Minister

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