• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Tiny Midhurst’s farms and international wetland draw more support

In AWARE News Network
Feb 26th, 2014

From the Midhurst Ratepayers Association

Our goal is to protect the local farms of Midhurst, and to stop treated effluent from this huge manufactured city from flowing into an internationally renowned wetland – the Minesing. We want to ensure that the food and water resources of Midhurst and its surrounding communities are protected from needless sprawl so that our beautiful rural landscape and clean water will be enjoyed by many generations to come.

Recently, we’ve received a lot of attention, thanks to Margaret Atwood’s pledge of support for our cause. She challenged us to obtain 5000 signatures on our petition. At that point, she will visit our community and host a fundraiser. We have fewer than 1600 signatures to go, but must reach this target by April. Our rural community is small – just 3500 residents – and we have limited resources. The attention and funds she could generate are so desperately needed in our fight. We have mighty opponents – including our own local government, who would like nothing better than for us to give up and let this mega-development go through unchecked.

But we won’t give up. Despite our tiny size and formidable odds, we continue to stand up, be counted and be heard.

After all, we’re talking about a wetland that ranks internationally with the Florida Everglades. It purifies water for many surrounding communities and also controls flooding in the Nottawasaga watershed, which includes the pristine beaches of Wasaga. The Ontario government has ranked it as a Class 1 provincially significant wetland. Why, then, isn’t the same government standing by its own science and doing more to protect this national treasure? Are 10,000 homes really more valuable than clean water and habitat for many rare and sensitive species?

Thankfully, some politicians are recognizing the value of what is at stake here and standing with us. Mike Schreiner of the Ontario Green Party was one of the first to support us. More recently, we were pleased to see our local MPP, Jim Wilson, sign our petition and bring up our issue in the Ontario legislature. In an adjacent riding, local MPP Garfield Dunlop spoke up about this mega-development in the legislature, as well. Here’s how he sees it.

“We took the greenbelt, and all we’ve done is leapfrog it into Simcoe county. I’m going to tell you, it has been a mistake. We’ve got a place up in the Midhurst area, in Springwater township, where they want to put 22,000 more people in the secondary plan. Originally, the growth plan for Simcoe called for 6,000 people. Now the government has made an amendment that will allow 22,000 people. Guess where the people are going? Not in areas where there may be pine trees or some more rugged area; they’re going right on the farmland. The best farmland you can imagine is going to be plowed under for sewers and water and townhouses. I tell you, it’s completely irresponsible. The people up in our area, particularly the Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture, are adamantly opposed to this kind of nonsense. But, you know what? We’re stuck with these guys. They’ve made these laws. They’re making these amendments. I have no idea who made the amendment to go ahead and give them 22,000 more people in one little township. It’s almost like a favour is being paid to somebody, you know, for something they’ve done. I don’t know. But it’s not right, and we have to make changes.” 

Barrie MP Patrick Brown is also supporting us in our efforts to save the Minesing Wetlands from toxic sprawl. You can read his letter of support here.

But let’s remember that this fight is not about politics, it’s about justice. Justice for a community that has been pleading to be heard, justice for the water resources that are threatened at a cost for so many but a benefit for so few, justice for the farmers who want to continue farming in Midhurst and justice for all of those who don’t have a voice – our children and the natural world.

Midhurst may be tiny, but with support from people like you, we can be an unstoppable force. Please don’t forget to share the petition and our story with your networks. The more people who know, the greater the chance for real change.

Together, we can do this.

There are many ways you can connect with us.

We’d love to hear from you.

email: savemidhurstvillage@gmail.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/SaveMidhurstVillage

Twitter: www.twitter.com/savemidhurstnow

website: www.stopspringwatersprawl.com

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