• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Saturday July 6: Great Lakes water levels meeting

In Meetings, events
Jun 28th, 2013

FoTTSA news release June 28 2013
The Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations and Tiny Township are sponsoring a major public meeting to update the community about unprecedented low water levels in Georgian Bay.

When: Saturday July 6, 2013, 10:00AM –NOON Where: Tiny Township Community Hall, Concession Rd. 8 East, Tiny
This meeting will also be a major fundraiser to aid the advocacy work by ROWI (Restore Our Water International). The goal is to pressure Washington and Ottawa to fund restoration of our water levels via compensation structures in the St. Clair River.
ROWI, along with your vocal presence at last summer’s IJC meeting in Midland were instrumental in reversing the IJC recommendation from “Do Nothing” to recommending that compensating sills be placed in the St. Clair River. Come and gets an update on the strategy going forward. Our work is not done. Again your support is necessary to make the restoration of low water levels in Georgian Bay happen.
Guest Speakers:
ROGER GAUTHIER, a recently retired Senior Hydrologist who spent 30 years with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), will speak in his capacity as Chair of Restore Our Water International (ROWI). It is a new alliance of Canadian and American organizations concerned about the dire economic and ecological impacts of the low water crisis on Lakes Michigan and Huron and Georgian Bay.
DR. PAT CHOW FRASER: Director, Life Sciences Program, Professor, Department of Biology, McMaster University. Dr. Fraser will speak about the research being conducted to determine the effects of sustained low water levels on changes in habitat quality and quantity for the fish and wildlife communities in Georgian Bay.  She will also discuss how non-native invasive species such as the common reed, eurasian milfoil and the round goby are further harming the natural balance in the ecosystem.
MARY MUTER, Chair of Great Lakes Section, Sierra Club, Ontario

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