• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

County residents have extraordinary opportunity to be heard on Official Plan

In Simcoe County
Jun 16th, 2013

AWARE Simcoe news release June 16 2013
ELMVALE — Simcoe County residents have enhanced access to make their views known at the Ontario Municipal Board hearing into the amended Official Plan that will govern development in the county.
On April 19, OMB chair Sylvia Sutherland extended the deadline to this Thursday, June 20 for residents to register as participants, following a presentation by Sandy Agnew of AWARE Simcoe regarding the lack of any public meetings to explain the amended Official Plan to Simcoe County residents.
This, despite a petition calling for public meetings signed by 295 people that AWARE Simcoe submitted to the County in June, 2012, and a resolution put forward at County Council in October, 2012, by Penetanguishene Mayor Gerry Marshall (it was defeated in a 16-11 vote).
AWARE Simcoe welcomes the extra privilege for residents that was granted after County lawyer Roger Beaman responded to our submission by suggesting to the chair that the OMB process itself is a public meeting.
It’s unfortunate that the County has not supported the chair’s action by publicizing this extraordinary privilege on its website, despite the urging of Marshall and Midland Deputy Mayor Stephan Kramp at the May 28 County Council meeting.
AWARE Simcoe has attempted to facilitate the process by circulating forms that residents can sign and will bring those we have collected to the pre-hearing being held at the Nottawasaga Inn on Thursday.
However, said Agnew, the extra opportunity to participate at the OMB, though welcome, does not substitute for public meetings in each municipality at which residents can hear a staff presentation, review maps and other information, raise their own concerns and listen to those of their neighbours.
AWARE Simcoe rejects the County’s contention that public consultation carried out five years ago – on an Official Plan that was significantly changed in weekly private meetings between provincial and county bureaucrats over several months in 2012  – meets Simcoe County’s statutory requirement set out in the Planning Act.
“When the County can hold open houses on waste management, transportation and the Food and Agricultural Charter, why are they refusing to hold public meetings to explain what this massive new Official Plan means to each community?” Agnew asked.
“An OMB hearing is very intimidating for most people and no substitute for a public meeting where people are free to ask questions and make comments without fear of being cross-examined by high powered lawyers,” he added.
How County Council voted on public meetings for draft OP
Not happening: Marshall, Kramp suggest County publicize ‘extraordinary opportunity’ for resident participation at OMB

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