• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Saturday March 23 – Cosack, Moola to speak at AWARE Simcoe vision meeting in Bradford

In Meetings, events
Feb 16th, 2013
Presenting: An alternative to growth and higher taxes: the AWARE Simcoe vision for Simcoe County
AWARE Simcoe February 16 2013
Update: Faisal Moola of the David Suzuki Foundation and Carl Cosack of NDACT, the group that forced the mega-quarry proponents to back down, to provide their perspectives on the need to control growth and protect water and farmland. Cosack will talk about NDACT’s Food and Water First campaign, which dovetails perfectly with the vision AWARE Simcoe is working on, while Moola will tell us about the recent DSF study of the GTA whitebelt, and the need to protect 94,000 hectares of farmland, fields and forests. 
The public meeting is being held on Saturday, March 23, 2013, from 9:30 a.m. – noon at St. John’s Presbyterian Church, 2940 10th Sideroad, Bradford, ON.
Members of the AWARE Simcoe growth committee will present a vision for Simcoe County that seeks to go beyond merely controlling and directing growth while it ultimately consumes Simcoe County as it has the Toronto area. We will be looking to all residents to give us your thoughts on how we can improve this blueprint for a sustainable future. 
The committee is chaired by Sandy Agnew and members are Alec Adams, Dave Collacutt, Bill French, Kate Harries, Tom Kurtz and Bernard Pope. A draft is to be circulated soon to AWARE Simcoe members and all who are interested. Email aware.simcoe@gmail.ca to receive a copy.
Jamie Reaume of the Holland Marsh Growers Association will chair the Bradford meeting. Full discussion by those in attendance is the purpose of the meeting so the speaker portion of the agenda (Agnew, Cosack, Moola, French and Pope) is to take an hour – after that it’s over to you! Final approval of the document is expected at the AWARE Simcoe Annual General Meeting, to be held April 27 in Collingwood (details on that to come).
Simcoe County is huge but we hope we can get attendance from all points. For carpooling to Bradford, call the following numbers: From the north – 705-526-9883, from the east 705-329-3628, from the west – 705-466-2000 
Refreshments and home-baked goodies will be provided. 
All Welcome – Bring a Friend!

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