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Sweeping changes to four Ontario laws erode environmental protection

In Environment
Jan 7th, 2013
Does a prorogued government have the authority to act so drastrically?
Peaceful Parks Coalition release January 7 2012
On December 5, 2012 the Ontario govt. posted four separate proposals on the Environmental Bill of Rights Registry that divests the Ministry of Natural Resources from enforcing environmental protection from four Acts:  
-Endangered Species Act,
-Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act,
-Public Lands Act and Provincial Parks and
-Conservation Reserves Act.
While these notices have been posted for public comment and no decision has yet been made, you should be aware that the MNR is actively implementing these changes. 
These cutbacks are being proposed because the Ontario govt. is laying off hoards of staff and removing environmental protection barriers to push forward economic development. 
Example: On Jan. 4 2013, MNR posted, as a courtesy only (not for public comment) a decision to allow the removal of a Bald Eagle’s nest because the large tree that holds the nest is scheduled for removal for a Wind Project development.  Bald Eagles are listed under the Endangered Species Act but since this project received approval prior to the eagles building their nest, the company NextEra can destroy the nest and tree.
No public comment is permitted.
Peaceful Parks is of two minds regarding these changes: 
In any other circumstance, the laying off of staff would be regrettable but cleansing the MNR of old staff dedicated to advancing the needs of hunters and anglers, foresters and the mining and aggregate industries is welcomed.  PPC has always advocated for the elimination of MNR including Ontario Parks in its current form because it was seen as a barrier to progressive environmental policy. 
But there is a better way forward without gutting environmental protection.    
All proposals can be reviewed in detail on the EBR Registry
http://www.ebr.gov.on.ca/ERS-WEB-External/ .  EBR # for each proposal is below. 
PPC is advocating that you please forward your comments to each Liberal Leader candidate, since it is expected that no policy decision will be embraced officially until a new leader is elected.  Contact info. below. 
Summary of Proposals:
Endangered Species Act
EBR Registry Number:   011-7696 Link 
Approvals replaced through regulations:
·     helping existing or planned activities proceed without additional approvals where new species or habitat protection comes about after their approval,
·     enabling a streamlined alternative to authorizing new activities that benefit species, (special note: a benefit to a species implies recovery of habitat after it has been destroyed)
·      enabling activities necessary for human health or safety, and/ or
·     achieving administrative efficiencies.
Special Note: There is no strategy as to how a ‘regulation’ will be enforced. A ‘regulation’ often results in no oversight unless it is done through civilian oversight. 
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act
EBR Registry Number:   011-7663 Link 
“Clients will no longer be required to obtain approval from MNR, but will be required to follow rules set out in regulation under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act.
Affected Wildlife-Related Approvals:
·       Resident Licence to Hunt Raccoon At Night
·       Licence to Chase Raccoon at Night or Fox, Coyote, and Wolf during the Day
·       Protection of Property Agent Authorizations
·      Authorization to Hunt/Trap for Hire or Employ for that Purpose
·      Authorization to Destroy, Take or Possess Nests or Eggs
·      Authorization to Hold a Fish and Game Dinner
·      Authorization to Buy/Sell Live Furbearing Animals
·      Authorization to Release Wildlife Imported into Ontario or Propagated from Stock Imported into Ontario
·      Licence to Keep and Propagate Specially Protected and Game Reptiles and Amphibians”
Public Lands Act Work Permits
EBR Registry Number:   011-7669 Link 
 “MNR is proposing to amend O. Reg. 453/96 (and consequential amendments to other relevant regulations). The proposed changes focus on:
·     Eliminating work permit requirements if rules are followed (for activities with minimal impacts that can be managed through rules in regulation).
·      Eliminating work permit requirements if rules are followed and the Ministry is notified. MNR would require that certain activities be registered with the Ministry to facilitate compliance responses.
For activities described in the regulation, persons undertaking an activity according to the rules in regulation would be responsible for complying with all other federal, provincial or municipal requirements. “
Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves
EBR Registry Number:   011-7467 Link 
Special Note: The Ontario govt, has posted four discussion papers on developing priorities and management plans for protected areas.  Papers suggest reducing public participation in park management planning and replacing park management reviews with an internal review rather than a mandatory public review every 20 years.  
 “The following four draft guidelines have been developed:
1) Management Planning for Protected Areas in the Context of Ecological Integrity (Planning Guideline) 
• Provides guidance on how to develop new, including replacement, management direction.
• Describes the approach to addressing ecological integrity through identifying and analyzing values and pressures to determine priorities for management action.
2) Examining Protected Areas Management Direction (Examination Guideline) 
• Provides guidance on how to examine existing management direction to determine if management direction is relevant, effective and current.
• The guideline describes four possible outcomes of an examination (status quo, administrative update, amendment, replacement), depending on whether changes to management direction are required and the type of changes proposed.
3) Adjusting Protected Areas Management Direction (Adjustment Guideline) 
• Provides guidance on how to adjust management direction, through an administrative update or an amendment.
• Describes how to determine if a proposal may require an adjustment to management direction.
4) Involvement during Protected Areas Management Planning (Involvement Guideline) 
• Provides guidance on when and how to involve Aboriginal communities and the public and stakeholders in management planning.
• Directs the development of an involvement strategy to document involvement approaches and schedules.
PPC questions whether a prorogued government in a leadership race has the authority to make such sweeping legislative changes.
 Therefore we recommend that you copy all Liberal Leadership hopefuls with your comments because eventually these people will need to either embrace or reject these sweeping changes. 
Katherine Wynn contact@kathleenwynne.ca
Twitter  @Kathleen_Wynne
Sandra Pupatello http://sandraforleader.ca/contact/
Twitter @SandraPupatello
Gerrard Kennedy gk@gerrardkennedy.ca
Twitter @GKennedyOLP
 Glen Murray gmurray.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org
Twitter Glen4TC
 Eric Hoskins http://ericforleader.ca/contact-us/
Charles Sousa info@VoteSousa.ca

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