• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

No discussion of CA submission

In Tiny
Dec 14th, 2012
Report of December 10 Tiny Council Meeting 
By Vickie Kee AWARE News Network December 13 2012
Mayor Millar asked for comments on the oral submission from Sandy Agnew, representing AWARE Simcoe, on the “Advantages Of Municipal Membership in a Conservation Authority.” Councillor Wishart replied that the exiting service is adequate. There were no other comments.
Audio recording of meetings
Councillor Claire has some concerns about the audio recording of meetings but has no problem with the Freedom Of Information Act. Councillor Warren feels that some in-camera items could be released because of the Freedom Of Information Act and that would seem to him like airing dirty laundry in public when referring to a person’s affairs. CAO/Clerk Luker replied that January 14, 2013 will be the starting date for recording meetings and he should have an
answer from the lawyer on the in-camera recordings by then.
Wind turbine effects
Canadian Wind Energy sent a letter to Tiny stating that there is no effect on property values from wind turbines. Councillor Warren disagrees and wants his views sent out to the 444 municipalities across Ontario. A by-law is needed to protect our residents’ properties concerning wind energy products says Deputy-Mayor Lawrence. There will be more discussion at the next council meeting.
Septage issue
The septage issue was briefly discussed. Councillor Warren asked if we are staying with Burnside and are we comfortable with the amount. There is $200,000 for septage in the new 2013 budget, replied Treasurer Taylor. Councillor Claire says that there has to be a pre-budget approval. There will be another public meeting on septage in April 2013, commented Manager of Public Works Henk Blom. There will be a motion to pre-approve the 2013 budget at the next meeting, says Mayor Millar.
Wyebridge Park parking 
There is a possible purchase of property adjoining Wyebridge Park by the Wyebridge Parks and Recreatiion Association and it will be used for parking. An appraisal for the property was received by the township as stated in the minutes from the last meeting.

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