• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Friday December 21: Idle No More rally in Ottawa

In Meetings, events
Dec 6th, 2012
From Beth Brass Elson December 5 2012
I am calling out for support from our Nation as well as from our Friends and Allies. We have stood strong and united in the past to stop Dumpsite 41 and the recent win with stopping the Mega Quarry. We stood Shoulder to Shoulder with groups AWARE Simcoe, NDACT, David Suzuki Foundation, Council of Canadians, United Church of Canada, FOTTSA, Ladies of the Lake, Sierra Club Ontario, Ontario Clean Air Alliance, Environmental Defence, Innisfil District Association, Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition, Farmers, Townspeople and some local Politicians. We all shared our teachings and our cultures and stood proud to protect our water and our lands together.
We are all Treaty Signers and these Treaties we are held accountable to are not being recognized by the Canadian Government. The Constitution seems to just another piece of paper and not being respected. We are asking for support in our “Idle No More” Rally at Parliament Hill, in Ottawa, on Dec 21, 2012 at 1:00. “UNITY PREVAILS” We all know this! 
A rising movement is set to bring its message of First Nations solidarity, and defense of First Nation rights, to the doorstep of Canada’s Conservative government.
Idle No More is a Grassroots movement opposed to unilateral federal government changes to legislation affecting the Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit and Métis) peoples. We are calling on all supporters, Native and Non-Native, Inuit, Métis, Chief & Councils, On-Reserve & and Off- Reserve citizens, to Rally together in Unity and Peace. We must raise awareness to all people of impending legislative changes, being pushed through parliament to become laws that will directly affect our people, lands, all creatures that depend and reside on it. 
As The First People, of this land, we must stand up, and tell the government, “We will make the changes from here on out. This land we live on is ours. These Waters we depend on are ours. These changes are ours to make. We have the right to decide our future as a Nation, the future of the land and waters we live on.” We can no longer remain silent in the matters that involve us now, and the generations to come. Silence is considered consent by the Harper Agenda.
The following is a list where we all will be affected:
Bill C-45 Job and Growth Act (Omnibus bill includes Indian Act amendments regarding voting on-reserve, land surrender/designations)
Bill C-27 First Nations Financial Transparency Act
Bill S-2 Family Homes on Reserve and Matrimonial Interests or Right Act
Bill S-6 First Nations Elections Act
Bill S-8 Safe Drinking Water for First Nations
Bill C-428 Indian Act Amendment and Replacement Act (Private Conservative MP’s Bill, Harper Supported)
This list is a list of Senate Public Bills:
Bill S-207 An Act to amend the Interpretation Act (non derogation of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights)
Bill S-212 First Nations Self-Government Recognition Bill and the “First Nations” Private Ownership Act
All of these Bills are in direct violation of Article 18, 19 &20 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Everyone should seek support from their Band Councils and Chiefs for support in peacefully uniting to fight these violations of our Rights. Join us At the Rally on Parliament Hill December 21st.
We will begin @ 12 noon with a Traditonal Ceremony to be held on Victoria Island.
Following the ceremony, a March/walk 1.2 km’s will begin to Parliment Hill (with the required Police escort)
Speeches, Presentations & Entertainers upon arrival on The Hill.
A Feast will be at 5pm at a Venue to be announced. Catering will be provided by Cezin Nottaway our catering Contact. Food donations are welcome and encouraged.
This Agenda is subject to changes..
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