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Innisfil council considers code of conduct

In Innisfil
Dec 8th, 2012
By Rick Vanderlinde Innisfil Journal Dec 03, 2012 
INNISFIL — With all the controversy swirling around Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, the timing of Innisfil council’s first code of conduct meeting could appear suspect.
But it’s just a matter of unfortunate timing.
“We actually had this on the backburner for some time,” veteran Coun. Lynn Dollin said. “The timing looks interesting because of all the issues in Toronto. But this is something we talked about doing a while ago and staff had the opportunity to bring it forward now.”
Ford was ousted from office last month after a judge ruled he had broken conflict-of-interest rules. Part of Ford’s problems stemmed for using the Mayor’s letterhead to solicit funds for his high school football team.
Innisfil council got its first glance at proposed code of conduct guidelines during a meeting last Wednesday.
Under the proposed code members of council:
• Would serve and be seen to serve their constituents in a conscientious and diligent manner;
• Would be committed to performing their duties with integrity, without improper use of the influence of their office and conflicts of interest, both perceived and real;
• Would be expected to perform their duties in office and manage their private affairs in a manner that promotes public confidence and will bear close public scrutiny;
• Would recognize and act upon the principle that democracy is best achieved when the operation of government is made as transparent and accountable as possible; 
• Would seek to serve the public interest by upholding both the letter and spirit of the provincial and municipal laws and policies adopted by council. 
Coun. Richard Simpson, who is half way through is first term as a municipal politician, welcomes a code of conduct for councillors.
“I think it will be valuable tool and I welcome it,” Simpson said. “I think it will also be good for new people who are running for council to see what is expected of them.”
Council’s first two years of this term have proven to be cordial and respectful, Simpson said.
“We all have our opinions but we all have a great respect for one another and we conduct our business that way,” he said.
Under a code of conduct, an ombudsman would adjudicate public complaints against a member of council. 
The code of conduct policy will be up for debate again in the new year.

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