• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Save the Snapper!

In Environment
Jun 8th, 2012
1 Comment
Ask local councillors to pass resolution in support of ban on  snapping turtle hunt
The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resoruces ignored a petition signed by 11,000 people to remove snapping turtles – an at risk species – from hunting regulations. The Town of Essex and the Township of Georgian Bay have passed resolutions asking for a ban. Contact your mayor, deputy mayor and councillor to ask that they pass this resolution.
Suggested letter to your municipal representatives
Dear Councilors
The Friends of Ontario Snapping Turtle petition (FROST) with 11,000 signatures was presented to the Ontario Legislation on Feb.12. asking the OMNR to ban the hunting of the snapping turtle, a species at risk in Ontario.
The Ministry responded that a mandatory reporting of hunted snapping turtles will be put in  place.
The snapping turtle is a listed species at risk with a turtle recovery team appointed that recommend the removal of the snapping turtle from the hunting regulations.
The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario  also supports the  removal of  the snapping turtle from the hunted species list.
Please read the attached for the report about the snapping turtle’s struggle to survive.
Essex County Council has passed a resolution to support the ban of the hunting of snapping turtles in Ontario.
On June 4, 2012 the Township of Georgian Bay passed a resolution to support the ban on the hunting of this species at risk.
Please add this municipality to the growing support list to ban  the hunting of the snapping turtle in Ontario and pass a resolution at your next council meeting with copies to the OMNR as per the following 
Here is the passed resolution passed by Georgian Bay Township: 
Resolution of Support:
WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Georgian Bay understands that Snapping Turtles are under increasing pressure due to habitat loss, habitat degradation, road construction, illegal harvesting and collection;
AND THAT  the Council of the Township of Georgian Bay formally request that the Ministry of Natural Resources place a ban on Snapping Turtle hunting and harvesting, and immediately remove the Snapping Turtle from the permitted “Hunted Games” list.
AND FINALLY THAT  this resolution be forwarded to all communities of interest with a request that they consider the same.

One Response to “Save the Snapper!”

  1. Dean says:

    Protect these turtles
    Enough die from roadkill already
    They are important part of ecosystem

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