• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Thursday, March 29: Living on Earth as if we want to stay

In Environment
Mar 23rd, 2012

Email from Mike Nickerson March 22 2012
When we can see a solution, it’s easier to admit that there is a problem.
Transition Orillia and Lakehead University are hosting an evening about
Living on Earth as if we want to stay

Thursday, March 29th,  7:00 pm
Lakehead University
500 University Avenue, Orillia
Room OA 1033
As fuel prices compete for headlines with economic uncertainty, and
weird weather, the perpetual economic growth model is due for review.
Perhaps we cannot grow forever on this finite planet.
What are we to do?
Mike Nickerson became interested in this questions in the early 1970s.
After forty years of research, three books and thousands of discussions, he
offers insight into the problems and solutions of our changing times.
“Humanity has come of age”, he says, referring to the fact that practically
every frontier on Earth is now effected by human activity.  “It’s time to
recognize that, as a species, we are now grown up.  Solutions will come when
we accept responsibility for our strength and aim to build a world that
respects our planet’s limits and the needs of all.”
Maturity is a good thing.  There is an incredible amount that people
can do that requires little or nothing from the natural world.
Learning, love and laughter, sport, service, creativity, appreciation and
other activities rooted in our beings provide endless opportunities for
personal growth, challenge and satisfaction.  As any adult knows, life does
not end with the end of growth.  The same is true for a society, if we
choose to accept our maturity.
Join us for a talk and discussion about “Living on Earth as if we want to
Thursday March 29th, 7:00 pm. at Lakehead U.
More information on the topic at:
Why We Will succeed
To be truly radical is to make hope possible, rather than despair
— From a bumper sticker at a Quaker gathering.

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