• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Another beach access issue brewing in Tiny?

In Tiny
Dec 1st, 2011
Report of Tiny Council Meeting November 28, 2011
By Vickie Kee AWARE Tiny December 1 2011
Another private beach issue is beginning to brew in Tiny with all new players. A couple of back lot owners from Farlaine Lake have asked the township to put a path down to the water so that they can have access.
 Deputy-Mayor Lawrence would like to see a map drawn up to show the beaches that are owned by the township around Farlaine Lake. This issue is deferred to staff but hopefully it can be resolved between the two groups without dragging the township in to it, says Lawrence.
Update on nitrate problem
There was an update on the Lafontaine/Georgian Sands nitrate problem by Consultants Burnside. The blending of the two wells is the preferred option for Lafontaine and Georgian Sands, says Burnside. This option is not safe, says Councillor Warren. High nitrates in drinking water can cause “Blue Baby Syndrome” for babies under six months old. Warren wants Burnside to contact Colorado State University on this issue. Nitrate content iin Lafontaine water is reading 9mm and the limit set by the MOE is 10. Burnside says that the MOE have been testing well water in Lafontaine recently. Mayor Miller says that he wants more information before a decision is made.
According to Wikipedia, “Blue Baby Syndrome” can be caused by high nitrate contamination in ground water which has been contaminated by leaching of nitrate generated from fertilizer used in agricultural lands, waste dumps and septic systems. Pregnant women and some adults are at risk from
excess nitrates.  
In other business:
-After reading the treasurer’s report, Warren questions why $5,700 was spent on 3 flag poles and flags. Apparently, installation is included in this amount says Doug Taylor, treasurer.
-Mayor Millar states that if there is any problem with change of address or the installation of new mail boxes in some locations in Tiny, residents should contact Canada Post, not the township office or himself because Canada Post is responsible for starting this whole mess.

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