• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Tiny becomes Ontario’s first Blue Community – “the perfect legacy for Site 41”

In Purest Water
Sep 15th, 2011
Report from Tiny Township Council Meeting September 12, 2011
By Vickie Kee AWARE Tiny September 14 2011 
Tiny Township has become the first Blue Community in Ontario and the third in Canada.
Council passed three motions: To recognize water as a human right; to ban the sale of bottled water in civic places; and to support the public ownership of water utilities.
“Tiny Township becoming Ontario’s first Blue community is the perfect legacy of Site 41 and we hope it will be the first of many communities throughout Ontario,” says Meera Karunananthan,national water campaigner for the Council of Canadians, referring to the controversial landfill that was to be located in the Township of Tiny on top of the Alliston aquifer. COC news release
Update on those “terrible weeds” 
Poplars, Manitoba maples, and willows – a llot of people call them trees and pay to have them growing on their property. Councillor Wishart calls them “weed trees” and wants them sprayed
Staff are not permitted to use spray, says Henk Blom and it is illegal to spray near the water. The township could obtain a professional but a C of A is needed first.
Deputy Mayor George Lawrence says that these “weeds” are growing in the ditches and it is a serious issue, the ditches need to be dug and sprayed. Tiny needs to look at the Weed Control Act and consult with a naturalist.
In other business:
-Mayor Ray Millar states that he has met will Bill Shotyk and is supporting him on his proposal for Site 41 
-The wind turbine amendment was passed by council but nobody knows what is going to happen until after the provincial election. Simcoe County does not support this amendment.
-McMahan subdivision is with the MOE.

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