• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Wed., Thur, Aug. 3 and 4: Great Lakes water levels – be there!

In Meetings, events
Aug 3rd, 2011
AWARE Simcoe August 2 2011 
The International Upper Great Lakes Study is holding public meetings to provide information regarding the status of the second and final phase of its work, examining Great Lakes water levels. At the meetings, the public will have an opportunity to hear from Study Board members and researchers about preliminary findings and potential regulation plans. In our area there are meetings in Collingwood and Midland
Aug. 3, from 7-9 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion (legion.ca), Normandy Room, 490 Ontario St., in Collingwood;
Aug. 4, from 7-9 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion, 196 Queen St., in Midland;
Sierra Club comment
We are very disappointed in the study board’s conclusions basically nothing should be done to remedy low water levels in the Middle Great Lakes because restoration may be expensive or have negative downstream effects. Find out more on our website or contact our Great Lakes Section Chair Mary Muter (copied here) who is working with a wide variety of people to get turn-out to these meetings and get important questions asked.

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