• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Background info to help in commenting on mega-quarry (by July 11)

In Quarries
Jun 5th, 2011
Insist on a full Environmental Assessment for largest quarry ever in Canada
AWARE Simcoe June 5 2011
We have received a Call to Action from CAUSE (Citizens’ Alliance United for a Sustainable Environment) for people to voice their concerns about the mega-quarry proposed by the Highland Companies. Amazingly, no Environmental Assessment is required for this, the largest quarry project in Canada. That’s because it’s regulated by the Ministry of Natural Resources under the less rigorous Aggregate Resources Act.
However, Environment Minister Jim Wilkinson can designate this project as an undertaking subject to a full Environmental Assessment. You are strongly urged to advise him that this is essential before there is any approval of a plan that affects five major watersheds. 
You can can submit your comments online via the Environmental Registry or write to Wilkinson directly. CAUSE also suggests that you copy your own MPP (contact information below) so he or she is aware that this is a matter of concern in their riding.
The deadline for comment to Wilkinson is July 11, 2011. 
Background material
Relevant websites
Contact information 
Hon. John Wilkinson, Minister
Ministry of Environment
11th Floor Ferguson Block
77 Wellesley St. West
Toronto, ON M7A 2T5
Hon. Premier Dalton McGuinty
Room 281 Legislative Building
Toronto, ON M7A 1A1
Hon. Linda Jeffrey, Minister
Ministry of Natural Resources,  
6th Floor, Room 6630, Whitney Block,  
99 Wellesley St. W.  
Toronto ON  M7A  1W3
For a list of all MPP’s, follow thislink

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