Essa: Hidden agendas around the NVCA
Letter to October 17 2010
As a long-term Essa resident, I am concerned that there seems to be too many hidden agendas with several candidates around the NVCA. The information provided is publicly accessible, and factual to the best of my knowledge. I am simply putting all the facts on the table; Essa residents deserve the ability to make an informed vote.
Is NVCA being targeted for personal gains? You be the judge:
Question: When the land where No-Frills/Canadian Tire is located was turned down for development by Essa Council in approximately 1996, was Mayor David Guergis part of Council?
Answer: Yes. David Guergis was on Council and they turned it down
Question: Did Mayor David Guergis know the Land was 1 Zone, meaning no development to occur due to flooding restrictions, before purchase by his wife?
Answer: Yes. David Guergis was aware and so were Council and NVCA (This is in print).
Question: Was David Guergis a member of NVCA & Council when they changed it to 2 Zone (meaning some development could occur)?
Answer: Yes. He was on both, and knows what 2 zone means
Residents, how often have you heard from Mayor David Guergis and Candidate running for Ward 1 Archie Duckworth that your land is worthless because it’s in floodplain or regulated area?
Well, the land owned by Leesa Turnbull-Guergis, wife of Mayor David Guergis, is in the floodplain and when the math is done it was a purchase for approximately $165,000.00 dollars and has made over $1million dollars from No-Frills and the sale of lots and more could be made from the sale to Canadian Tire. WOW!!!!
That is called USELESS LAND?? How insulting to the residents of Essa who are trying to hang on to their homes in a downward economy and loss of jobs.
Bullying and mis-representation of facts have caused many residents a lot of grief. So if that land owned by Mayor David Guergis wife is in the floodplain making potentially over 1000% (yes, thousand) profit, I am sure your land still holds its value. Check out what the County of Simcoe forest was appraised at, I believe it is somewhere around $5 million. And yes, it is also in the floodplain.
I ask my fellow residents to DIG for the truth, it is in the Essa Council and NVCA minutes which everyone is entitled to see.
I bet the Developer and Owner who sold the land because they could not develop on it would sure want what the Mayor’s wife received.
Vote wisely.
Robert Burton, Essa Township
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