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Innisfil Journal endorsments for mayor

In Innisfil
Oct 14th, 2010

Wauchope, Davidson – and Bauley deserves a good hard look

Innisfil Journal October 14 2010
INNISFIL – The Innisfil Journal endorses Gord Wauchope as the next Mayor of Innisfil.
After 13 years with Brian Jackson at the helm, we believe Wauchope is a natural choice to take over the reins. Wauchope worked side-by-side with Jackson during some of Innisfil council’s most trying times. Wauchope was in the thick of things during Barrie’s annexation and the town’s Fair Growth campaign. And he was, unfortunately, caught in the middle of a nasty affair between Jackson and Coun. Bill Pring, which saw the mayor plead guilty to a criminal charge.
Wauchope showed dignity and decorum throughout. We believe he has the stuff of a respected leader and mayor.
While we support Wauchope’s candidacy, we do so with only a slight edge over his opponent Barb Baguley. It should be noted that Baguley is a most formidable opponent who deserves a good, hard look by undecided voters.
But as an incumbent who has been in the inner circle for the past four years, Wauchope has the advantage of learning from recent mistakes while building on the town’s successes.
We believe that Wauchope will work extremely hard to help major developers create an industrial base that will bring decent-paying jobs to Innisfil. But we also trust him to be especially tough on unscrupulous developers that have savaged Innisfil through the callous destruction of heritage homes and unnecessary clear-cutting of trees.
Policing issues — the cost of the service and the precarious situation of the chief — are sure to dominate much of the next term. As former Toronto police officer, with 33 years experience, we believe Wauchope will be a great asset in this area.
Wauchope is a what-you-see-is-what-you-get politician, who has a knack for admitting mistakes and learning from them.
We believe he is capable of leading the next council, which will include many new faces with new ideas.

INNISFIL – The Journal endorses Dan Davidson for deputy mayor as a progressive politician who we believe shows courage.
As a first time councillor, Davidson has rankled some established politicians to get his point across. But we sincerely do not believe him to be grandstander or a politico simply looking for headlines. We believe his aggressive style has come about in an honest desire to create transparency and much-needed debate.
He is an unabashed environmentalist, but he is not afraid to disagree with groups such as Environmental Defence when he believes they are wrong such as in the case of Innisfil’s efforts to enhance its wastewater plant. While he believes the environment should not take priority, he is not an extremist and understands that development must still play a role.
Davidson has shown courage in other ways as well. He has jeopardized his fledgling political career by running against Bill Van Berkel, a solid citizen with a long political career. We would be remiss if we didn’t point out that Van Berkel deserves careful consideration before making your choice for deputy mayor.
Still, we applaud Davidson for risking a “safe” seat on council by running for deputy mayor after he discovered his first choice – Ward 7 Coun. Lynn Dollin – would not be running for the position.
He has created a vibrant race, and is partially responsible for creating renewed interest in municipal politics in Innisfil.
We also believe he will be able to work closely with whoever takes the mayor’s seat, since he has not publicly endorsed either candidate.



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