• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Tiny Candidate Profiles – Mayor and Deputy Mayor

In Tiny
Oct 14th, 2010

Simcoe.com October 13 2010
“As a sixth-generation resident of this area, I care deeply about the natural and social environment we’re creating for this and future generations in Tiny Township,” says Breckenridge. “The more I learn about municipal politics, the more I realize the desperate need for talent. Citizens deserve committed, proven leadership who can translate our unique resources, circumstances and traditions into a positive program for the future.”
Breckenridge believes the strategic plan initiated last term was an invaluable tool in guiding Council deliberations. She believes the next time around the plan will benefit from more public input, helping to define priorities and programs for the next four years.
“I’m fully committed to our environment-first policy. We need solutions for issues such as septage disposal, solutions which are not only technically sound but also affordable and acceptable.”
“I’ve worked closely with the Severn Sound Environmental Association over the past four years to develop a regional Sustainability Plan which balances environmental integrity with economic prosperity and community well-being.”
Ray Millar says he has a commitment to public service spanning more than 25 years.
Former Municipal Councillor, Township of Tiny; Former Chair of the Site 41 Community Monitoring Committee; Director and founding member of ZERO WASTE Simcoe; Parent representative : Simcoe County District School Board; Accommodation Review Committee (ARC “B”) Area Secondary Schools; Certified Municipal Manager; (CMMII) Ontario Municipal Management Institute; Mediator/Arbitrator, Member of the Alternate Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario (ADRIO); Career Firefighter with the City of Toronto; Former Volunteer Firefighter, Captain and Fire Chief with the Township of Tiny Fire Department; Award winning ENERGY STAR home builder.
As Mayor I will implement the following;
1.) A zero based budgeting process.
2.) Insist on accountability and transparency in Tiny Township and Simcoe County.
3.) Improve communications with ratepayers through virtual and real town hall meetings.
Peter Davenport
“I moved to the Sawlog Point area in Tiny Township, March 1982, where I ive with wife, Lori (officially married Feb. 29, 2004), and our 2 dalmatians, Carnie & Lucy. Son Michael resides in Waterloo, and completed this spring a 1 year term as editor of Imprint, the University of Waterloo school newspaper. Almost done his Bachelor of Science degree in Physics.”
“I am mainly self-employed in cottage / home maintenance and related building trades. At this juncture most interested in seeing new energy efficient and creative designs used in housing, with an overdue departure from conventional, outdated building techniques and inefficiency. Also to incorporate fire safety and accessability improvements.”
He’s a part-time homemaker as well.
“I have followed politics for a long time, and it was known to me at a young age, that managed properly, this country should be one of the greatest on Earth -not embroiled in debt, with other assorted problems & burdens that could easily have been avoided. Governments should be proactive more so than reactive.”
Deputy Mayor
George Cornell
Professional Civil Engineer, P. Eng. -25 years business experience in the energy sector in senior management positions.
I have been privileged to be on Tiny Council for the last four years. I see more of the issues and challenges facing Tiny being impacted by our neighbouring communities and decided at Simcoe County Council. I have been very active in our community through my involvement on the Huronia Airport Commission, Huronia Community Foundation, Community Recreation Committee and Physician Recruitment. I see an opportunity for Simcoe County and Tiny to become a healthy vibrant community, which balances the needs of its residents in the context of economic, social, environment and health challenges. As Deputy Mayor I will:
Ensure fair value for your tax dollars through fiscal responsibility;
Be a leader in developing and implementing a waste and septage management plan and be a leader in reforming council with respect to improved accountability and transparency through increased public engagement.
Deputy Mayor
George Lawrence
George Lawrence has been a community involved Tiny resident for decades and has enjoyed all experiences while earning voter respect! George brings a passionate drive to every challenge and has definitely delivered as Tinys Deputy Mayor and a Simcoe County Councillor.
“When that Simcoe County gavel came down finally ending Site 41, I was so proud to be part of a Team that worked so hard and so long!”
“We need a safe and acceptable septic tank disposal system. A ban will soon happen on field dumping. Our options are limited. Neighbouring municipalities have advised they can take only some septage, and at a high haulage cost of $400 to $500 per tank. A Tiny Township treatment plant is not affordable. We can though create a lagoon system, successfully used by other municipalities.”
“I will lead the opposition at Simcoe County to any proposed installation of wind turbines on Simcoe County forest lands in the Township of Tiny, protecting the loss of our property values and associated health risks.
“I would eliminate wasteful spending, such as the huge amounts Tiny pays for consultants.”

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