• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Council ignores impact of decisions

In Midland
Sep 17th, 2010

Letter to the Midland Mirror September 9 2010
MIDLAND – Re: “End of the road for flat-rate rides,” The Mirror, Aug. 26.
I cannot remember any Midland town council that has made life more difficult for residents as this present membership – with taxi meters, the end of heavy-item pickup and garbage bag limits.
The problem with council is they don’t care about the impact of their decisions. We have a town council playing city council, and it’s time residents responded with much more heated meetings, letters and phone calls – and, most of all, changes in the next election.
If council wants to play city with their taxi meters, then play city with full-size transit buses and night and Sunday service. The present buses are a joke and will not be able to handle the increased ridership created by taxi meters.
Why was the fare set at $2.25? Why an increase of 25 cents every 100 metres? I suggest those council members who voted for meters ride metered taxi cabs in Orillia and Barrie.
Vouchers for the dump are fine if you own a pickup truck. Bag limits are fine if you’re single. Residents need to rebel and end participation in the blue- and green-box programs before we are burdened with more colours.
Jerry Wilson, Midland

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