Comments on the ‘Mail-in Ballot System’
Letter from Peter Davenport September 1 2010
I agree that this is a positive step in encouraging voter participation.
We have seen ‘voter turn-out’ decline at all levels of government.
With the focus on a set voting date, and a ‘logistics problem’ for some
voters, in firstly, of perhaps not being aware of set advance poll dates
then also having to deal with voting in a ‘home municipality’ – and
having to cast a ‘separate municipal vote’, for the cottage property.
The observation I am making though, is that this takes away a bit of the
anonymity ‘enjoyed’ while casting that ballot; in secret, no one else to
firsthand observe the actual voting – but only that an unpressured
opportunity was provided – and standard observation practices, and
subsequent vote tabulation procedures were followed.
I realize – and have confirmed with an Ontario Government elections
official, that individual mail-in envelopes are provided to the each
elector in a household, but I still see a problem with the system.
It gives the opportunity for a domaneering personality to ‘oversee’
and ‘persuade, or dictate’ the ‘VOTE’ of another, or others in the
I can foresee a couple of examples of this, right in my neighbourhood,
but ‘we’ will leave this in general terms, for your thoughts, or comment.
Thank You
Peter E. Davenport
Mayoral Candidate
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