• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Wauchope announces entrance into 2010 election

In Innisfil
Aug 16th, 2010

News release from Gord Wauchope — June 21 2010
At 3pm today, Gord Wauchope, Deputy Mayor for Innisfil, officially announced his entrance into the 2010 municipal election, as a candidate for the office of Mayor. After submitting his nomination papers to the clerk he came to the Innisfil Recreation complex to deliver a speech to a large group of supporters that included members of council, family, friends and members of the press.
“To no one’s surprise I am seeking the approval of the people of Innisfil to serve as their Mayor. For over a year I have told anyone who has asked about my intentions, that I will be a candidate for Mayor in 2010, and now I am making it official.”
Deputy Mayor Wauchope made it clear that, if elected, he would take the office of Mayor very seriously, and would commit his full attention to the job. He believes that he could and should be “at the office” on a daily basis.
“One of my goals over the next four years is to improve on the tremendous records and accomplishments of past mayors and set a new standard for the Mayor’s office. I intend to begin the process of making the Mayor’s job a full time one. Innisfil has grown and the Mayor’s office must grow too.”
He reminded everyone that he has been a hard worker for the Town of Innisfil but he completely believes and understands that the Mayor is part of a team, both here and at the County level.
“My 4 years as Deputy Mayor, my previous terms on council and my work at Simcoe County Council have given me the necessary experience for the office that I now seek. I want to work as part of a team that builds consensus, moves Innisfil forward and makes this town a place to Work, Play and Stay!!”
Gord Wauchope has served as Deputy Mayor for 4 years and served as the Councilor for Ward 6 (Alcona) for 9 years. He has lived in Innisfil for 25 years with his wife Brenda and raised his 2 children, Liam and Kyle. Gord is a proud grandfather, twice over. Gord retired from Metro Toronto Police in 1996, where he served with distinction for 30 years. His last posting was at Headquarters as the Detective Sergeant in charge of the narcotics division. He is very honoured to have received 2 commendations and numerous citations.
His voluntary involvement in Innisfil started slowly and ramped up as he had more and more time to spare. His list of boards, committees, associations and chairmanships is extremely impressive.
He has been a central figure in the Innisfil Community Events Corporation (including Chairman), where events like Summerfest, Winterfest, Santa Claus parades and fundraisers (for many things but especially the Rec. Centre) have all been very successful.
He was one of the driving forces for the new high school in Innisfil (including meeting with the Minister of Education, David Johnson) and he worked tirelessly on the approval and building of the Recreation Complex. Gord has been a passionate proponent for the new Alcona Library and the Alcona downtown re-development.
Gord was president of Stroud Minor Hockey and Innisfil Minor Hockey for 6 years each. He was a board member of both and remains an honourary board member today. He has chaired the Friends of South Simcoe Police and the North Innisfil Health Service. He is a strong supporter and regular patron of the Cookstown Theatre.
His Town work included Committees of Council, Student Mayor Program, Rec. Centre Building Committee, Fundraising Committee, Town Hall Building Committee, Cookstown Library and Community Rooms Building Committee, Physician Recruitment, Innisfil Accessibility Committee, Library Board, Wastewater Steering and many more.
At county council he is on Corporate services, Industrial Commercial, Tourism, Official Plan, Waste services and the main board
Gord Wauchope “On the record”
“I have worked hard while on council and I am very proud of all that has been accomplished, however, we must continue to move forward.”
“We must get the400 highway employment land developed, Innisfil needs the commercial-industrial tax base and revenue. The people who live in Innisfil will benefit greatly from the jobs that will come with that development. “
“We need to make sound and careful plans for the future. They should be bold… but not brash.”
“I set out to accomplish many things when I became deputy Mayor. Many things have been completed, but there is a lot more to do.”

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