• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Major changes proposed for county government

In Simcoe County
Jun 23rd, 2010

AWARE Simcoe — Tomorrow (Thursday) at 7 p.m., there is a special meeting of county council to discuss a consultant’s report on governance. What is happening here is totally under the radar because there has been no media coverage of this issue, but it is very important. There is apparently a push from a sector of county council to change the structure of our county government. This would involve an expanded role for the warden who would become a regional chair, and a reduction of the number of councillors (from 32 to 16, excluding the deputy mayors). If you read the report from the Berkeley Consulting Group there seems to be major involvement of people like councillors, former wardens and county staff, and no input from electors. The future of Simcoe County could ride on the decisions made at this meeting. We need people in the gallery to witness what is happening.

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