• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Monague welcomes County removal of inflammatory release

In Uncategorized
Sep 10th, 2009

September 3rd, 2009
Today, a press release alleging a dozen people wearing bandanas had blockaded Site 41 and intimidated staff was removed from the Simcoe County website.
“I am very pleased that the County of Simcoe removed the racist press release” said Vicki Monague of Beausoleil First Nation, who sent an open letter to Simcoe County councillors on Monday calling for removal of the release.
“I was very upset about this because as a First Nations woman, I felt it was a stab at my people as whole that painted the picture of an unsafe, militant situation which may have adversely impacted public participation in the Anishinabe Kweag peaceful protest camp located directly across the road.
“Since the inception of the peaceful protest camp, our demonstrations in opposition to Site 41 have always remained peaceful, family-oriented and weapons-free.
“I felt the statements the County employees released had no basis, but also negatively impacted the credibility of the County itself, at a time where the opposition to Site 41 had been accused of misleading the public with erroneous and incorrect information.
“I think it adds to their credibility to identify the fact that they made a mistake and made an effort to remedy the situation caused.”
Earlier today, Christian Peacemaker Teams member David Milne sent the following open letter to Simcoe County councillors:
“I am writing to you in support of Vicki Monague’s request in her letter of August 31 that you remove the press release of August 20, 2009 or change it to reflect the truth of what happened. Like Monague I am concerned that this false report contributes to racial stereotyping and may incite prejudice and hostility toward Aboriginal protestors.
“I was present at gate 2 during the time the events described in your press release supposedly happened, that is between about 1:30 p.m. and 4:40 p.m. on Thursday, August 20. I was also present opposite gate 2 from about 5:45 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. the same day. I testify that the facts as presented by Monague in her letter to you of August 31 are essentially correct.
“A young man was standing beside me on the road opposite gate 2 while Mr. Schmidt was holding his protest. He pulled a bandanna up to cover the lower half of his face and after a moment he moved away to sit behind a sign about 50 metres down the road from the gate. I saw a few children from the camp with him. I know that another young man pulled a bandanna up to cover the lower half of his face on the same afternoon. However, neither of these men took part in blockading the gate and they did not act in a threatening manner. They had their own reasons for trying to conceal their identities.
“I had been living in the camp between August 16 and August 21, as well as between July 22-July 25, and August 9-August 13. At no time did I observe any persons in the camp who were not committed to non-violent protest. My colleagues in Christian Peacemaker Teams have also been living in the camp for much of the time since the first week in July. They report that the First Nations leadership has worked hard to ensure that all participants in the protest behave peacefully and respectfully.
“I note that the Ontario Provincial Police, who have maintained a close watch on this protest and the camp site, have confirmed that it is a peaceful protest. Accordingly, I urge you to remove the false and inflammatory press release of August 20 from your website.”

Elsie Maclaren says:
September 3, 2009 at 11:09 pm
Yeah Vickie!! Is someone there finally becoming embarrassed enough to listen. so glad to see this blatant prejudiced article removed. they could spend our tax dollars being honest for a change I’d say! Again it isn’t all the councillors but the chosen few in County offices with the warden. Wouldn’t a clean-out there be awesome!

Ann Truyens says:
September 3, 2009 at 11:15 pm
It’s about time!

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