• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Councillors want alternatives

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Sep 10th, 2009

Simcoe County councillors want alternatives
September 9th, 2009
Report from Simcoe County Corporate Services Committee meeting.
Chair Doug Little was not in attendance. Tiny Deputy Mayor George Lawrence suggested he would speak to, but was not allowed to put forward the Tiny Township motion for DS41 decommissioning and removal of its Certificate of Approval. He was instead asked to add it to the motion Little has said he will put to the September 22 County Council meeting (to abandon plans for a dump at Site 41).
The committee voted in favour of a motion from Oro-Medonte Deputy Mayor Ralph Hough to convene a special meeting of council at the discretion of Warden Tony Guergis to look at waste management alternatives. There is a possibility that the Sept. 22 vote on Little’s motion could be delayed until councillors have the information on alternatives.
Rob McCullough, the county’s director of environmental services, suggested he would have a better idea of alternatives after a waste conference in Toronto in November but committee members stated that would be too late. However, a consultant is to be hired to guide the search for alternatives within the next two weeks.
CAO Mark Aitken told the committee that there has been no discussion by any councillor of the sale of DS41 with or without the C of A.


chris says:
September 9, 2009 at 10:28 pm
A consultant is to be hired. Why is a consultant needed? Can the highly paid staff not come up with some ideas? Are the councillors incapable of thinking and research? They ought to have told us when they were seeking election.
“Dear voters, please put me on County Council, because you will need someone there to vote in favour of hiring a consultant, after the Staff tell us that they need some outside assistance.”

If the county spent more time listening to the voters, and less time wasting taxes on people to tell them what they want to hear, we’d be much better off.

This is a council that has substituted highly paid consultants for proper consultation with the electorate. And we are asked to pay extra for being treated with contempt and condescension.

Just another reason- and there are dozens of them-to clean house in Midhurst.

donna deneault says:
September 10, 2009 at 12:23 am
I thought the best alternative was Zero Waste Simcoe. We are working on that right now. We are endeavoring to make Simcoe County the leader in Zero Waste.

We don’t need a consultant. The Director of Zero Waste Simcoe is Ray Millar.

He has offered a hundred times to talk about it.

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle are the other alternatives, not to mention, in the meantime, we have at least 10 years in current landfills.

We hope to have Zero Waste in place long, long before that.

(and I agree with Chris)

Donna D.

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