• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Earth Day memo to Steven Del Duca: you can make a difference

In AWARE News Network
Apr 22nd, 2016
Jim Charlebois photo


Jim Charlebois photo

Jim Charlebois photo

AWARE News Network

The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation is urging us to celebrate, in the words of E.O. Wilson, “the little things that run the world.” If insects disappeared, there are many items we would struggle to find (apples, blueberries, and many other foods) and some of which we’d have too much — like the animal dung that beetles dispose of. Insects and other invertebrates are essential to the Earth as we know it. Join us in protecting them!

Here’s a link to Xerces’s account of measures in US to turn roadsides into a pollinator-friendly network that will criss-cross the continent.

That’s where  Ontario Transport Minister Steven Del Duca comes in.

Send him an Earth Day message and ask him to introduce best roadside management practices that will turn Ontario’s neglected margins into vibrant natural habitat.

Link to minister’s message page. 

Call your mayor, too. Suggest she or he join with other municipal leaders in a Mayors for Monarchs group similar to this one in the US.

100 Mayors take action to save the Monarch butterfly

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