• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Do Skot of RVH, McAuley and Bauer of SCDSB endorse Tony Guergis? Not exactly

In Springwater
Oct 18th, 2010

By Kate Harries AWARE Simcoe October 18 2010
Springwater residents have been surprised to see apparent political endorsements of Tony Guergis by Royal Victoria Hospital board president Janice Skot, Carol McAulay, deputy education director of the Simcoe County District School Board, and Elmvale District High School principal Randy Bauer featured on the incumbent Springwater mayor’s website and in his advertisements.

After all, officials holding positions of responsibility in publicly funded organizations are generally prohibited from overt expressions of support for politicians – regardless of what their private preferences are.
So we asked.
And indeed, RVH communications director Suzanne Legue confirmed in an email, “RVH has a very strict policy that forbids identified hospital employees from endorsing any candidate. The policy also includes restrictions on photo opportunities at the hospital with candidates during the campaign period. This policy is very clearly conveyed to any candidate who requests an endorsement.”
Was there a breach of policy by Skot?
No, says Legue. On December 9, 2009, after Guergis had been replaced as warden, the RVH wrote him a letter, signed by Skot and other hospital officials, thanking him for his support during his tenure as warden.
“It is the hospital’s practice to send letters of thanks, as well as letters of congratulations, to all outgoing and incoming Wardens,” Legue says. “While Ms. Skot did not give explicit permission for a quote to be used in campaign materials, including websites, the letter was written to Mr. Guergis and is considered public domain. Once a letter is received, we do not own or control it.”
Wouldn’t you think that a candidate would seek permission before using a person’s name in his election materials?
Apparently not.
McAuley, deputy education director of the SCDSB, did not respond to an inquiry.
Principal Bauer offered a brief explanation:
“From my position, and under advisement from Senior Administration, school board employees cannot openly support any electoral candidate.”

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