• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Second Second Spring into Action meeting, in Bradford

In Bradford West Gwillimbury
Apr 30th, 2010

The second in a series of grassroots meetings in preparation for the October 25 municipal election in Simcoe County is to be held this week in Bradford.
EVENT:      Spring into Action public meeting
TIME:       9:30am-12 noon, Saturday, May 1.
PLACE:     St. John’s Presbyterian Church, 2940 SR 10, Bradford
“I urge Bradford-West Gwillimbury citizens to come out and learn how much Simcoe County and BWG politicians affect our water, our waste management, our environment, our children and our children’s children,” said Elsie MacLaren of Holland Landing.
Guest speaker Gord McKay, of Zero Waste Simcoe and the vice-chair of the Simcoe County waste strategy steering committee, will update the meeting on the status of the waste strateg.
Also on the agenda, representatives from various county groups and discussion of election strategy.
The first Spring into Action meeting was held last month in Barrie. Around 100 people attended.
Key issues that were raised at the meeting:
-The amount of municipal business conducted behind closed doors has reached unacceptable levels. Transparency and accountability must prevail so citizens are truly involved in decisions about our communities
-A culture of environmental exploitation. Protection and sustainability must be the guiding principles as we start to repair the damage that has been done.
-The need to expose Simcoe County’s hidden agenda on garbage issues. Strong and creative leadership can achieve a Zero Waste strategy in Simcoe County. 
More info: 705-812-0643, mrcinc@interlog.com

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